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How do junior high school students get into aviation schools?

Source: Flight Attendant Professional Enrollment Network Time: 2024-05-08 08:21:17

With the rapid development of the aviation industry, more and more junior high school students have a strong interest in aviation, and dream of becoming a flight attendant or aviation technician. So, how do junior high school students get into aviation schools? this paper Flight Attendant Professional Enrollment Network The editor will give students detailed answers.

 How do junior high school students get into aviation schools?

1、 Understand the enrollment requirements of aviation schools

Junior high school students need to understand the enrollment requirements of aviation schools. Different schools may have different requirements for enrollment conditions, but generally speaking, the following are some basic enrollment requirements:

Age: Generally, junior high school students are required to be over 14 years old and have junior high school graduation or equivalent education.

condition: Due to the particularity of aviation, there are certain requirements for physical conditions. For example, the height, weight, vision, hearing and other aspects need to meet the relevant standards. For specific requirements, please refer to the enrollment brochures of each school.

Psychological quality: Aviation majors have high requirements for students' psychological quality, and they need to have good pressure resistance, teamwork and communication skills.

2、 Choose a suitable aviation school

After understanding the enrollment requirements, junior high school students need to choose a suitable aviation school according to their own actual situation. You can learn and choose through the following ways:

Web search: Find the relevant aviation professional schools through the search engine to understand the school history, faculty, teaching facilities, professional settings and other information.

Consulting school: You can directly contact the school admission office or the relevant person in charge to consult the school's enrollment policy, admission requirements and other information.

3、 Prepare application materials

Junior high school students need to prepare some necessary application materials when they apply for the aviation professional school. In general, the following are some common application materials:

Identification: Provide valid identification documents, such as ID card, account book, etc.

Education certificate: Provide junior high school diploma or equivalent educational certificate.

Medical Examination Report: According to the requirements of the school, provide a standard medical report.

Other materials: According to the requirements of the school, it may be necessary to provide other relevant materials, such as photos, award certificates, etc.

4、 Interview and physical examination

After submitting the application materials, junior high school students need to participate in the interview and physical examination according to the requirements of the school. Interviews usually include personal statements, professional knowledge tests and other links, aiming to examine the comprehensive quality and professional ability of students. Physical examination is to ensure that the students meet the physical requirements of aviation major.

5、 Waiting for admission results

After completing the interview and physical examination, junior high school students need to wait for the admission results of the school. If you are admitted, you need to go through the admission procedures according to the requirements of the school, and participate in the school opening ceremony and freshman training and other activities on time.

6、 How do junior high school students get into aviation schools?

To sum up, junior high school students applying for aviation professional schools need to understand the enrollment requirements, select suitable schools, prepare application materials, participate in interviews and physical examinations. Only when we fully understand and prepare, can we successfully realize our aviation dream.

Students interested in aviation Harbin Guangsha University Yanjing Institute of Technology Sichuan University of Culture and Arts Waiting for your arrival! To learn more about enrollment schools in the region, click>> Enrollment brochures of flight attendants

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