Yulu Education Network Flight Attendant Professional Enrollment Channel provides professional application services for candidates!
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Enrollment target: should, former high school graduates or those with the same educational level
International College of Xi'an International Studies University
Tuition standard: thirteen thousand and eight hundred /Year
Enrollment target: former high school graduates and those with the same educational background
Enrollment target: should, former junior high school or senior high school graduates or those with equivalent academic qualifications (including those who have passed the senior high school entrance examination, vocational high school, technical secondary school, art school graduates), no older than 22 years old.
Enrollment target: junior and senior high school graduates aged 16-19
Enrollment target: junior high school students, senior high school students, senior high school students with the same educational background (higher vocational education, college, art school)
Sichuan International Studies University College of Network and Continuing Education
Tuition standard: eleven thousand and eight hundred /Year
Enrollment target: former high school graduates and those with the same educational level

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