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Xi Jinping Chaired a Symposium of Enterprises and Experts, Stressing to Further Deepen Reform Comprehensively and Closely on the Theme of Promoting Chinese Modernization Time: May 24, 2024

Former title: Xi Jinping hosted a symposium of enterprises and experts to emphasize Focusing on the theme of promoting Chinese style modernization Further comprehensively deepen reform Wang Huning and Cai Qi attended On the afternoon of May 23, the General Manager of the CPC Central Committee

Wang Zhonglin made a keynote announcement at the press conference of the State Council Information Office and answered questions from reporters Time: May 8, 2024

On the morning of May 7, the Information Office of the State Council held a series of press conferences themed "Promoting high-quality development". Wang Zhonglin, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor of Hubei Province, focused on "striving to promote the practice of Chinese style modernization in Hubei, and accelerating the building of the rise of the central region."

Science and innovation led regional cooperation and docking Great Bay Area to serve Hubei high-quality development conference was held in Guangzhou Time: April 28, 2024

On March 30, the "Conference of Science and Innovation Leading Regional Cooperation and Docking with Dawan District to Serve Hubei's High Quality Development" hosted by the Provincial People's Government, hosted by the Provincial People's Government's Office in Shenzhen, and organized by the Guangdong Hubei Chamber of Commerce, was held in Guangzhou

Work of Science and Technology Department City and County Science and Technology Media focus Notice announcement

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