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Municipal Science and Technology Bureau held a mobilization meeting for young cadres to learn financial knowledge

Time: 2022-10-25 16:46 Source: Cadre and Personnel Department Request No.:
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On the morning of October 25, Yu Bosheng, Director of the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, hosted a mobilization meeting for learning financial knowledge, which was attended by 23 young cadres.
At the meeting, Director Yu Bosheng explained the important role of learning financial business knowledge in carrying out scientific and technological innovation work, especially in the process of communication with scientific and technological enterprises, and expected everyone to study hard, strive to pass the qualification examination for fund practitioners, and comprehensively improve their business ability.
The Cadre and Human Resources Department distributed financial business knowledge learning materials to everyone, and comrades expressed that they would cherish the opportunity to improve their ability and strive to become knowledgeable people in science and technology finance.