Facebook Analytics

42% of Marketers Say Facebook is Critical to Their Business

Use Keyhole’s robust Facebook Analytics to understand how your business is performing on Facebook, and also what your audience has to say about it!

No credit card required


Monitor Public Facebook Pages

Track any public Facebook page, be it  yours or competitors’ , for thorough performance and comparison insights. 

Plus, unlock recommendations on how to optimize engagement on your Facebook pages to reach your leads before others.

 Unlock Facebook page insights and recommendations

Track Facebook Hashtag Analytics

With advanced and granular tracking, Keyhole aids you in Facebook hashtag tracking . Such insights will help you understand what leading players are talking about.

Set hashtag or keyword trackers and specify any public Facebook page to get the details in a jiffy. 

 Track conversations on Facebook public pages

Leverage Competitor Analysis

Of course, you have a sense of how your Facebook page is performing. But do you know the same about your competitors?

Get beyond spying on follower counts and understand how well other Facebook pages are actually performing and how engaging they are with Keyhole’s Facebook Tracking.

 Competitive Analysis

Like your Facebook Insights page, but for any business page.

Unlock Sentiment Analysis

We can uncover the tone behind posts , and help you understand the kind of sentiment other businesses are driving when they talk about your brand or keyword on their page.

 Sentiment analysis

Grow with Recommendations

Do you want more followers? More engagement? More conversions?

You got it. Use Keyhole’s Recommendations data to grow your Business’s Facebook page the way you want.

 Grow your engagement