Part 1: Never forget the original intention Video playback

On May 5, 1818, Marx was born in Trier, a thousand year old city in southwest Germany. Marx, who did not go to primary school, received enlightenment education under the guidance of his father, who was deeply influenced by French bourgeois ideology. The atmosphere of democracy and freedom in Trier Middle School made Marx, at the age of 17, set a grand ambition of "working for mankind". In October 1835, Marx started his university era. From Bonn University to Berlin University, from a stone tablet painting depicting Marx's earliest image to the impassioned young people in the "Doctor's Club", he studied hard, thought hard, and kept writing. Max, who was under 23 years old, obtained his doctor's degree by virtue of a paper. In order to pursue the truth and fight against the reactionary forces in the old world, Marx has been the chief writer of Rhine Newspaper and the editor in chief of the German French Yearbook. During this period, he not only formed the fruit of love with his lifelong lover Yanni, started a great cause with his lifelong revolutionary friend Engels, but also completed the transformation from idealism to materialism in ideology The transformation from revolutionary democracy to communism.
In the first half of the 19th century, the turbulent European continent was the battlefield where Marx and Engels galloped. From Germany to France, from Paris to Brussels, from the European continent to the other side of the ocean, Marx was expelled four times by reactionary governments for the revolutionary cause, and even became a "citizen of the world" without any nationality.

Part 2: Remember the mission Video playback

Yan Dong: This is my "consistent goal"

Yan Dong, the general director, said frankly that "Immortal Marx" is a work of unusual significance for him. But when the reporter wants to interview him on this, he must talk about a film he shot 20 years ago. What the hell is going on here?
Yan Dong: This is my "consistent goal"
● 20 years, two films, one persistence
In 1998, CCTV cooperated with the Compilation and Translation Bureau of the CPC Central Committee to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Communist Manifesto. "This is an important turning point in my career, and it is my first time to be the chief director of a documentary film with major themes independently," said Yan Dong.
For a 33 year old young director, the theme itself means heavy weight. "At that time, two important topics were put before me. I loved the Communist Manifesto at first sight. I was not young and frivolous, but interested in it. A thin booklet, less than 20000 words, is one of the works with the largest circulation, the most published versions, the most times, and the widest spread in the world. The two authors, Marx and Engels, are young men in their 20s. I want to know how such talented and passionate young people wrote the Communist Manifesto. "
"At that time, there were five people in the writing team of the Central Compilation and Translation Bureau, four of whom are now retired. The youngest Feng Lei is the chief writer of today's" The Immortal Marx "." After 20 years, the two units cooperated again, and old friends gathered happily. Yan Dong had to lament that the fate was wonderful.
Yan Dong said that he was lucky to meet such a good topic when he was just in his early 30s. Now called "Old Guns", they were still young at that time. While their creative inspiration collided fiercely, they also experienced the baptism and forging of ideas imperceptibly. "It has a great impact on my creation and life."
"What impressed me most about Marx was his firmness in his ideals and beliefs. At the age of 17, he set up his ambition of 'working for mankind', practiced all his life, and kept on learning. Even though he was expelled four times, displaced, and poor and sick in his later years, when his daughters asked him: 'What is your characteristic?' Marx replied: 'The goal is always the same.'" Today, 20 years later, Yan Dong artistically integrated more in-depth and mature thinking and understanding after precipitation into the Immortal Marx. He said that the 100 minute film did not dare to cover everything. He only hoped that the light that had affected his own thoughts in those years could also illuminate more audiences, especially young people's way forward. "We need this grounded positive energy too much today."

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