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Application platform for registered economist in 2020

2020-06-28 17:45:55 Source: Reprint

Abstract: In 2020, the qualification examination for economists will take the form of online registration and online payment. The registration entrance is expected to be opened in mid July. Due to the different opening times of registration in different regions, candidates need to log in to the China Personnel Examination Network (www.cpta. com. cn) within the specified time to register for junior economists online.

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   Registration conditions

   Entry requirements for junior economist examination:

   Article 7 All economic professionals who abide by the Constitution and laws of the People's Republic of China, have good moral character and professional quality, and meet the requirements for registration of the primary, intermediate and senior economic professional and technical qualification examinations, can apply for the corresponding level of examination.

   Article 8 Anyone who is engaged in economic professional work and has a high school (including high school, technical secondary school, vocational high school, technical school, the same below) or above degree recognized by the national education department can apply for the primary economic professional technical qualification examination.

   Intermediate economist examination registration conditions:

   Article 9 Those who meet one of the following conditions can register for the intermediate economic professional technical qualification examination:

(1) Graduated from senior high school and obtained the technical qualification of primary economic specialty, and engaged in relevant professional work for 10 years or more;

(2) Have a college degree and have been engaged in relevant professional work for at least 6 years;

(3) Have a bachelor's degree or bachelor's degree, and have been engaged in relevant professional work for at least 4 years;

(4) Have a second bachelor's degree or graduate class, and have been engaged in relevant professional work for at least 2 years;

(5) Have a master's degree and have been engaged in relevant professional work for at least 1 year;

(6) Have a doctor's degree.

   Registration process

   (1) Select examination and registration place

Log in to the online registration system and select the professional and technical personnel qualification test

Try the name to enter the online registration interface. After selecting the province (city), the prompt column will display the name of the applicant, the name of the examination, the region, the payment method and the telephone number.

Note: Candidates who have not checked their identity, education background and degree cannot choose to take the exam to register.

   (2) Read the Notice and Application Instructions

Candidates read the Notification of Commitment System for Registration Certification of Professional and Technical Personnel Qualification Examination and the Notice for Application, and click "Read and Know" to enter the entry interface of application information.

   (3) Enter, check and save registration information

Candidates select the examination location (city), check point, registration level and registration major in turn. The system displays the subject names corresponding to the reported level and major. The subjects marked with "√" in the front represent the selected registration subjects (those whose results are valid for one year do not need to be selected manually).

When applicants fill in information, their name, ID number, education and degree information will automatically call the user's registration information. Those with "*" in the information items filled in are required. After filling in, enter the verification code and click the "Save" button. The online registration system will conduct online verification of the candidates' major and years of study and other application conditions, and prompt the candidates to perform corresponding operations according to different situations.

Note: For an exam with a validity period of more than one year, when entering or modifying the registration information, if the candidate has passed the exam within the validity period of the score, the passing time will be displayed after the subject name.

   (4) Sign the Letter of Commitment for Application

After the applicants fill in the relevant information, the system will generate the Letter of Commitment for Registration of Professional and Technical Personnel Qualification Examination Registration Certification Notification System (electronic text). The applicants will sign (submit) the letter of commitment by themselves, and are not allowed to make commitments on behalf of others.

   (5) Registration information confirmation

The applicant clicks "Registration Information Confirmation", which means that the applicant confirms that the registration information submitted is complete and accurate. Once the registration information is confirmed, the applicants will not be able to modify the registration information again, and they should carefully check the entered information.

Note: During the registration period, applicants can click "Information Maintenance" in the examination status process to modify the registration information before confirming the registration information.

   (6) Special case review

For those who cannot be verified online or fail to pass the verification, manual verification must be carried out, and applicants shall handle matters related to the application according to the provisions of the local qualification review department (institution).

   (7) Pay exam fees

After passing the qualification verification, the applicants can pay the fees at the designated place or through the online payment platform according to the payment method specified by the local examination organization. After the payment is completed, the registration work is completed.

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