How much does it cost to join Xiyu Manka Coffee? Low cost and easy start!

2017-07-18 16:36:19   Source: China Franchise Network   2457 people participated
  • Business Scope: Catering
  • Number of stores: 5100
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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Many people may have had the idea of opening a coffee shop, but they are afraid that their economic strength is not enough, because throughout the coffee market, they basically go on the high road, with high site selection requirements, expensive decoration costs, plus the purchase costs of various advanced equipment and precious raw materials, all the costs may make you scream! However, Whisper Manka Coffee is aimed at the public. It is not difficult to start, so we don't need to bear too much economic pressure. Let's take a look Whisper how much Manka coffee is joined.

 Whisper Manka Coffee

Open Xiyu Manka Coffee Franchise Store to open one hundred and twenty For example, if we take the square meter store as an example, when we take into account the rent, decoration costs, equipment costs, early raw material costs, staff salaries, advertising costs, opening costs, utilities, etc., we can't always join twenty twenty-five About ten thousand yuan. Compared with millions of coffee shop franchise projects, such franchise costs should be very cost-effective.

Compared with peers, it is less difficult to join Siyu Manka. You can have your own humanistic coffee shop by joining WeChat. You can enjoy long term income and enjoy high cost performance! Xiyu Manka Store has a diversified product line. In addition to the mellow coffee, there are also fruit tea series, pastries series, desserts series, and cold drinks series, which can be sold in combination and generate multiple incomes!

In this fast-paced, noisy and restless era, people urgently need a place to release pressure and soothe their hearts, and Whisper Manka Coffee Shop is such a pure land. With elegant environment, outstanding product quality and impeccable service quality, Xiyu Manka Coffee Shop is widely sought after by consumers and has gradually established a qualified market reputation. To join such a strong brand, customers need not worry, and the operation is also fully assisted by the headquarters, which is good for development. Now that you know how much it costs to join Siyu Manka Coffee, if you have the corresponding economic strength, you should apply for joining now!

 Charlie Brown Coffee
  • nine hundred and forty-four people Follow the coffee shop
  • six thousand one hundred and thirty-seven people Consult the coffee shop

Registered member -Pay attention to the brand - offline recommendation - in-depth communication - confirm the deal and find the project is so efficient

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