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The responsible person of the Employment and Entrepreneurship Department of the Department of Veterans Affairs replied on the Opinions on Promoting the Employment and Entrepreneurship of Veterans in the Development Zone

2021-05-07 16:46:28 Source: Ninghai County Veterans Affairs Bureau Reading times:

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Recently, the Ministry of Veterans Affairs, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Commerce, the General Administration of Customs, the State Administration of Taxation and other eight departments jointly issued the Opinions on Promoting the Employment and Entrepreneurship of Veterans in the Development Zone (hereinafter referred to as the Opinions). The person in charge of the Employment and Entrepreneurship Department of the Department of Veterans Affairs answered questions about the Opinions.

Q: How to understand the ex servicemen and development zones mentioned in the Opinions?

Answer: The ex servicemen mentioned in the Opinions specifically refer to the ex servicemen who are self-employed, including the ex servicemen who are self-employed, demobilized cadres and self-employed ex servicemen.

The development zones mentioned in the Opinions refer to national level development zones such as economic and technological development zones, high-tech industrial development zones, areas under special customs supervision, and provincial level development zones such as economic development zones, industrial parks, high-tech industrial parks. For details, please refer to the Catalogue of Review Announcement of China's Development Zones.

Q: What are the main considerations for the issuance of the Opinions?

A: Ex servicemen are important human resources and an important force in socialist modernization. Self employed ex servicemen return to the local place to achieve stable employment, which is the main way for them to serve the society, realize their personal value, and share the fruits of reform and development.

After more than 30 years of development, China's development zones have made great achievements in economic and social development. They have become the leading area of China's new industrialization development, the demonstration area of a high-level business environment, the gathering area of mass entrepreneurship and innovation, and the leading area of open economic system innovation. They play an important carrier platform role in attracting employment and promoting entrepreneurship. Guiding the development zone to support the employment and entrepreneurship of ex servicemen is not only conducive to broadening the employment and entrepreneurship channels for self-employed ex servicemen, but also conducive to improving the quality and level of employment and entrepreneurship of ex servicemen with the support of preferential policies in the development zone.

Q: What is the policy orientation of the Opinions?

A: First, we will ensure preferential treatment. We will guide all parties to safeguard the rights and interests of ex servicemen to give priority under equal conditions and preferential treatment on the basis of universal benefits.

Second, pay attention to maintaining fairness. On the premise of respecting the market law and maintaining the relative fairness of employment policies, we will encourage and support the employment and entrepreneurship of ex servicemen.

Third, adhere to local conditions. Taking into account the development differences of different regions, the Opinions proposed that each region should formulate specific measures according to the actual situation.

Q: What are the main contents of the Opinions?

Answer: There are 4 chapters and 13 articles in the Opinions, which mainly involve implementing support policies, actively promoting employment, optimizing the entrepreneurial environment, and strengthening service management.

The first chapter implements the support policies, mainly emphasizing that all parties should ensure the implementation of preferential treatment and employment security policies.

The second chapter actively promotes employment, aiming to actively expand employment channels and posts from the development zone and related areas, and strengthen the sharing of employment information between local and relevant departments of the development zone.

The third chapter optimizes entrepreneurial services, proposes to guide and encourage the government, social organizations, etc., and increase preferential treatment and financial support for retired soldiers.

The fourth chapter is to strengthen service management and propose to provide support services, priority services and integrity management for entrepreneurial veterans in the development zone.

Former title: Reply of the relevant person in charge of the Employment and Entrepreneurship Department of the Department of Veterans Affairs on the Opinions on Promoting the Employment and Entrepreneurship of Veterans in the Development Zone


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(Editor in charge: zl)
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