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Overall in-depth analysis of military civilian examination physics in 2023

2023-02-19 21:02:11 Military Talent Network https://jzg.huatu.com/jdwz/ Source: Huatu Education

[Introduction] Huatu Military civilian examination channel Simultaneous release of Huatu Education: Overall in-depth analysis of military civilian examination physics in 2023 , please read below for details! Welcome to join WeChat communication groups in military civilian areas , please log in for more details of civil service examination [Military Civilian Examination Channel]

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The overall difficulty of the physics test questions in this civil service exam is ordinary, mainly focusing on the application of basic physics knowledge and the understanding of physical concepts. The questions are relatively normal, and there are few eccentric questions. The knowledge distribution of each chapter is relatively uniform, and the calculation of key contents has been investigated. Mechanics mainly examines the understanding and calculation of basic concepts such as position, speed and acceleration. In addition, curvilinear motion, Newton's law, impulse, work, rigid body, etc. are also examined, but the knowledge is not very difficult. The electromagnetics part focuses on the investigation of key knowledge, such as the application of electric field strength, electric potential and Pisa's law, which are basic contents, but some biased knowledge points mainly investigate the comprehensive degree of students' knowledge, such as electromagnetic wave, displacement current, mutual inductance, etc., which indicates that the preparation for examination is still comprehensive. Thermology, optics, mechanical vibration and mechanical wave are also basic topics. It is only necessary to master the basic knowledge and be able to apply it skillfully. It is the application of basic knowledge points, but difficult knowledge points such as entropy increase and isolated process should also be mastered. Generally, the calculation amount of the questions in the calculation part is not very large. Having mastered the basic knowledge, it is acceptable for multiple choice questions. In modern physics, we should pay attention to the comprehensiveness of knowledge, and the difficulty of the questions is not very great

(Editor: ABCD)
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