Are you still worried about finding a decent job?

Are you still trying to compete on the single wooden bridge for civil servants?

Are you still hesitating about the low salary of your new job?

Come on, here is a job with a monthly salary of 9000+. Let's know.

On October 1, 2019, the military civilian phalanx made its debut in the National Day parade.

What are military civilian personnel?

It refers to the non active service personnel who are engaged in management and professional technical work in military personnel positions that are not directly involved in combat and are not suitable for socialized support.

What do military civilians do?

It is mainly engaged in professional technology and transactional management support work such as education and scientific research, engineering experiments, medical care, arts and sports in military level and above organs and non combat troops.

Military civilian vs. civil servant

Both of them belong to the national staff and are also public servants of the country. They enjoy the "five insurances and one fund" and other corresponding rights stipulated by the national staff according to law. However, in terms of wages and benefits, military civilian personnel are 35% higher than civil servants.

Civilian=active service? No!

Both military civilian personnel and military active service personnel are part of the military personnel, and they enjoy health examination, home leave, child care and other benefits. The leave and home visit of civilian personnel shall be implemented with reference to the relevant provisions of the staff of state organs and public institutions; If the cumulative time of executing the special task assigned by the Military Commission exceeds 6 months, the rest days during the task period and the days not taken off on holidays can be accumulated into the current year's leave.

The housing of civilian personnel shall be socialized and monetized, and the housing accumulation fund, housing subsidies and rent subsidies shall be implemented in accordance with the standards determined by the policy for officers in active service.

Civilian personnel are generally more relaxed in management than active servicemen: they abide by the work and rest system of the employing unit, and their working hours are in accordance with the relevant provisions of the working hours of the staff of state organs and public institutions. They usually do not participate in morning exercises.

Individual units will arrange civilian personnel to be on duty, depending on the situation of the unit, and the work intensity is usually easier than that of active service.

Of course, in special periods, civilian personnel need to actively participate in combat readiness duty and contribute to it.

They are all military civilians

Monthly income of 9000+, increased with the position!

The salary treatment of civilian personnel in the military shall take the active service officers as the reference system, and the military shall establish a unified salary system for civilian personnel.

According to the current standard, the salary composition includes basic salary, allowance, subsidy, etc. The current graduates of undergraduate, master and doctoral students become regular after the probation period, and their monthly wages are about 9000 yuan, 9500 yuan and 11000 yuan respectively.

For those who are competent or above in the annual assessment, the annual bonus salary will be paid according to their monthly salary.

Level promotion, bright future!

Military civilian posts are divided into management posts and professional technical posts. There are 9 levels of management posts, starting from clerks, and Zui can go to deputy ministerial level; There are 13 levels of professional and technical posts.

If you have completed the post at the same level, and have worked for a low number of years, and the annual assessment results during your work at the same level are all above the competency level, you can be promoted to a level within the civilian staffing standards of the unit.

Insurance leave allowance...... Multiple benefits!

The basic social insurance and occupational pension for civilian personnel, such as old-age insurance, medical care, work-related injury, unemployment and maternity, are included in the national social security system, and the same policies are implemented for civil servants and public institutions.

Social security is available for seeing a doctor at ordinary times, and the military provides subsidies. During military missions, free medical care is provided. The welfare benefits, such as welfare pension, health examination, home leave, and child care, are the same as those of officers in active service.

In addition, there are many subsidies such as heatstroke prevention fee, couple separation fee, communication fee, etc.

Renewal upon expiration, career stability!

If military civilian personnel have passed the unified examination for employment, the military employing unit shall sign a 3-5 year employment contract with them. The employment can be renewed when the contract expires and meets the conditions.

As long as civilian personnel perform well and are competent, they can work steadily until retirement in principle.

"The unit is equipped with provincial-level key kindergartens and municipal key primary schools. Children of civil servants can enjoy the rich and high-quality education resources of children in the unit equally, and can also take school buses directly to Tieyi Middle School, Binhe Campus of Tieyi Middle School and No. 83 Middle School." ——Civilian Recruitment Publicity of Rocket Force Engineering University

The candidates of civil servants are college graduates or social talents. College graduates include fresh graduates and non fresh graduates. Fresh graduates refer to graduates who have obtained corresponding diplomas and degree certificates within the specified time of the year; Non recent graduates refer to graduates who have not confirmed their work units within the two-year career selection period. The targeted candidates for civilian recruitment include military martyrs, spouses and children of soldiers who died on duty, and spouses of active military personnel.

Candidate source

In military civilian recruitment, the educational requirements for candidates are in principle full-time undergraduate or above. However, if you want to apply for a post in difficult remote areas, islands, Tibet, or for a special post, you may not be required to work full-time. Those who apply for a nursing post may have a college degree or above. In other words, as long as you have the qualification to take the civil service exam, you can basically apply for the military civil service exam.

Education requirements
Military civilian application process
Announcement Preliminary online registration Take the written examination Confirm the shortlist
Check in Qualification examination
Publicize the proposed employment list check political background Determine preselected objects Interview experience

Military civilian personnel also have requirements on the political conditions and physical condition of candidates: candidates must meet the political conditions specified in the Regulations on Political Assessment of Civilian Personnel Employed by the Army and the physical standard conditions specified in the General Standards for Physical Examination of Civilian Personnel Employed by the Army (Trial).

Political conditions of civilian personnel>>> Physical condition of civilian personnel>>> Political and health requirements

The age limit for military civilian applicants is much looser than that for civil servants.

Military civilian posts are divided into management posts and professional technical posts. Those who apply for management posts or junior professional and technical posts below the section deputy level should be no more than 35 years old; Those who apply for the department level chief management post or intermediate professional and technical post should be no more than 45 years old.

Age requirements