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Index number: 002482082/2019-06964 Subject classification: Science and technology, education/education
Issued by: provincial department of public education Publication date: 2019-06-06

2018 Annual Report of Zhejiang Provincial Department of Education on Government Information Disclosure
Issued on: June 6, 2019 Source: Provincial Education Department Number of views: Font:[ large in Small ]

This annual report is prepared by the Education Department of Zhejiang Province in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Government Information Disclosure and the Interim Measures of Zhejiang Province on Government Information Disclosure. The full text includes an overview of the basic situation of government information disclosure and the situation of active disclosure, the situation of government information disclosure according to the application, the charges and exemptions of government information disclosure, the situation of applying for administrative reconsideration and filing administrative litigation, the problems existing in the work and the next work plan. The statistical period of the data listed in this annual report is from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018. The electronic version of this annual report can be accessed through the portal website of Zhejiang Provincial Department of Education( )Download. If you have any questions about the announcement of this report, please contact the Office of Zhejiang Provincial Department of Education (Tel: 0571-88008848; E-mail: )。

1、 Overview of basic information disclosure and active disclosure

In 2018, under the guidance of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the Education Department of Zhejiang Province fully implemented the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, actively implemented the decision and deployment of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, the provincial party committee and the provincial government on comprehensively promoting the work of making government affairs public, and promoted education fairness with the construction of a "rule of law government" as the guide and the reform of "running at most once" as the main line, We will deepen educational reform, improve the quality of education, and accelerate the implementation of the education modernization strategy and the strategy of strengthening the province through higher education. Focusing on the major educational decision-making deployment and public concerns, we will further promote the openness of decision-making, implementation, management, services and results, constantly increase the initiative to make public, constantly improve the quality and effectiveness of government affairs in the education system, and improve the people's sense of education and happiness.

(1) We will promote openness in government affairs around the building of a rule of law government. The Working Rules were formulated and issued, and "promoting the openness of party affairs and government affairs" was clearly included in the working guidelines. It is required to give full play to the role of experts, think tanks and professional institutions in decision-making on major issues, fully listen to the views of all sectors of society, and adhere to the combination of public participation, expert consultation, collective decision-making and unified leadership. If it involves major public interests and the vital interests of the people, it is necessary to solicit public opinions and hold hearings when necessary; For major decisions that are likely to cause problems affecting social stability, social stability risk assessment should also be carried out. When the administrative normative document is submitted to the director's office meeting for deliberation, it is necessary to provide drafting instructions, review opinions on legality, summary table for soliciting opinions, policy interpretation and other materials at the same time. In 2018, the Provincial Department of Education issued the Opinions of Zhejiang Provincial Department of Education on Further Regulating the Division and Adjustment of School Districts and Enrollment of Public Schools at the Stage of Compulsory Education, the Implementation Measures for the Construction of Private School Teachers in Zhejiang Province, the Implementation Measures for the Implementation of Private School Running Autonomy, and the Implementation Measures for the Change of Registration Type of Existing Private Schools Seven normative documents, including the Measures for Information Disclosure and Credit Management of Private Schools, the Reply of Zhejiang Provincial Department of Education on Issues Related to the Standards of Teacher Qualification Physical Examination, and the Implementation Opinions of Zhejiang Provincial Department of Education on Cleaning up and Regulating Contests for Primary and Middle School Students and Effectively Reducing the Extracurricular Burden of Primary and Middle School Students, were all open to the public for comments on the portal website, The normative documents and policy interpretation materials shall be released simultaneously. We will do a good job in adjusting and making public the list of powers and responsibilities of the Department of Education, strengthen the restriction and supervision of administrative power, and promote the Department of Education to perform its duties comprehensively and in accordance with the law. In order to regulate the behavior of social forces in running schools, strengthen social supervision, and promote self-discipline of private schools, the Measures for Information Disclosure and Credit Management of Private Schools has been studied and formulated. According to the deployment and arrangement of the General Office of the Provincial People's Government, we participated in the whole process and specifically guided the seven national pilot counties (cities, districts) to do a good job in the field of compulsory education.

(2) We will make greater efforts to make public initiatives in key areas. We will deepen the reform of "decentralization, management and service" in education by focusing on the reform of "running at most once". In accordance with the requirements of the "eight unifications", we optimized the educational system's business processes, innovated service measures, and comprehensively sorted out and published the catalog and guidelines for the "most once" of the masses and enterprises to the education department. The name, time limit and process of 35 reform items (50 sub items) of "running at most once" were standardized throughout the province. At present, the education administrative departments at the provincial, municipal and county levels have a total of 2215 items in process, and all the other items have the online processing function, except the confidential items that are not suitable for online processing. Based on the "Zheli Office APP", Zhejiang Education and Government Affairs Service Network was upgraded to further simplify materials, improve experience, achieve "one certificate for all" for 15 livelihood issues such as "issuance of Putonghua proficiency test grade certificate", and comprehensively achieve "palmtop" for 9 public service issues such as "academic certificate confirmation", "reissue and renewal of teacher qualification certificate", and "academic proficiency test score certification" Refine and improve the 2018 key field information disclosure directory of the Provincial Department of Education, focus on the disclosure of education related policies, development plans, investment and use of education funds, education supervision, compulsory education enrollment, and the implementation of funding for students with financial difficulties, and publish the information disclosure of key fields in the annual report on government information disclosure. Actively carry out "double random, one open" inspection, and timely disclose relevant information. Colleges and universities across the province continue to actively promote the work of information disclosure, and do a good job in the preparation of the annual report on information disclosure of the school in the previous academic year as required, and publish it to the public in a timely manner. The Provincial Department of Education timely and centrally publicizes the annual report of university information disclosure. Make public the inspection and rectification to the public in accordance with the requirements of Party affairs disclosure and inspection work.

(3) Strengthen policy interpretation and public opinion response around major social concerns. Focusing on the major concerns of the society, we should focus on making up the shortcomings of pre-school education, promoting the high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education, promoting the coordinated development of senior high school education with general vocational characteristics, implementing the cultivation and introduction of high-level universities, promoting the integrated development of industry and education, building a lifelong education system, improving the ability of special education and other educational actions to enrich people, benefit people and secure people, strengthen policy interpretation, and through policy briefings Press conferences, online interviews, compilation of education yearbooks and other ways, in-depth publicity and interpretation of policy background, basis, objectives and tasks, key tasks, scope of coverage, follow-up work considerations, etc., timely and accurately convey policy intentions to the society, improve policy transparency, and enhance people's satisfaction with education. In addition to the seven normative documents, the Provincial Department of Education has also made policy interpretations on two documents related to the vital interests of the people and the high degree of social concern, namely, the Guiding Opinions on Implementing the Work of Delaying School Start in the Morning in Primary Schools and the Implementing Opinions on Further Regulating the Work of Trusteeship Services in Primary Schools after School, and also held a news briefing on the Guiding Opinions on Delaying School Start; The main person in charge was interviewed by Zhejiang Economic Television's "Invite a spokesperson" column on the topic of "how to make up for the 'weak board' of preschool education"; Elaboratively organized activities such as "Education Around Zhejiang", published 12 high-quality articles in mainstream media such as Zhejiang Daily, China Education Daily, such as "Zhejiang Exploration of Smart Education" and "Strive to be in the forefront in the reform of educational system and mechanism"; Hold a forum for news media reporters and netizen representatives, and a media consultation meeting on the news publicity work of the provincial education conference. At the same time, we should strengthen public opinion monitoring, understand the concerns of all parties in a timely manner, and respond to them in a targeted manner.

(4) Strengthen the construction of government affairs open platform around the integration of information resources. Constantly strengthen the role of the first platform for information disclosure of the Office's portal website. By promoting the intensive construction of the department portal website, the department portal website was migrated to the provincial government website intensive platform, realizing the integration and docking of the department portal website with the provincial government information disclosure platform and Zhejiang government affairs service network. According to the government information disclosure module in the provincial government website intensive platform, the original columns of the provincial education department's information disclosure were integrated, the information disclosure directory of the department's portal website was comprehensively sorted out, and the information index number, search and other related functions were improved, so as to create a more comprehensive information disclosure platform, a more authoritative policy interpretation platform, and a more timely convenient service platform. In 2018, the Provincial Department of Education released 1626 pieces of information in a timely and active manner through the portal. Among them, there are 7 normative documents, 378 work news (education news) columns, 84 graphic report columns, 285 media attention, 344 official documents, 105 information disclosure in key fields, and 86 announcements, which comprehensively show the work progress of the provincial education department in a year.

The statistics of content updates of the provincial education department portal in 2018 are as follows:


We will continue to strengthen the construction of media platforms such as the "River of Education" WeChat microblog and Zhejiang Education Daily. In the past year, the WeChat official account of "River of Education" published 924 educational information, with 800000 subscribers and 530513 person times of maximum reading. Every week, it ranked at the top of the Ministry of Education's WeChat list of new educational media, and ranked first in weekly and monthly rankings for many times. The "River of Education" family education series column (Zhejiang Parent School+Discover Good Parents) was rated as the "2018 Annual Case of Education and Government New Media" by the Ministry of Education. The "River of Education" microblog has released 2436 articles, with 50000 fans at present. The opening rate of microblog and WeChat in colleges and local education administrative departments across the province reached 100%.

At the same time, we should do a good job in the daily management of the consultation hotline and network platform, and strengthen the work of the unified government consultation, complaint and reporting platform according to the requirements of centralized management, unified acceptance, responsibility transfer and time limit. We will ensure "No.1 external" and "one-stop service", and make the process and results of handling public. A total of 11505 complaints and reports on online government affairs consultation were handled throughout the year.

2、 Disclosure of government information according to application

In this year, the Education Department of Zhejiang Province accepted 120 applications for information disclosure, including 48 face-to-face applications, 3 letter applications, and 69 online applications, mainly involving education funds, academic policies, personnel adjustments, and information about secondary school graduates (before 2000). The public's awareness of knowledge, participation and supervision has gradually increased, and more and more people have access to government information by applying for disclosure.

All the government information disclosed by the Provincial Department of Education in accordance with the application has been completed within the time limit specified in the Regulations and replied in the manner required by the applicant. Among them, there are 8 applications that have been actively disclosed, accounting for 6.7%; 90 applications agreed to reply publicly, accounting for 75%; 20 pieces of information not disclosed by the administrative organ, accounting for 16.7%; There were 2 applications without information, accounting for 1.6%.


In 2018, the provincial education department's response to the application is as follows:

3、 Fees and exemptions for government information disclosure

In 2018, the Education Department of Zhejiang Province did not charge the public and enterprises any fees related to government information disclosure.

4、 Application for administrative reconsideration and filing of administrative litigation

In 2018, two applications for administrative reconsideration were received due to the publicity of government information, which were later withdrawn by all parties.

5、 Existing problems and improvement

In 2018, the Provincial Department of Education made new breakthroughs in the work of education information disclosure, but there are still some problems. The standardization and standardization of government information disclosure in education needs to be further promoted, the construction of information disclosure personnel needs to be further strengthened, and the ability of information disclosure platform to integrate information resources needs to be further strengthened.

In the future, the Provincial Education Department will actively promote information disclosure from the following aspects:

First, further promote the construction of information disclosure system and strengthen assessment and supervision. Accelerate the introduction of the implementation opinions on promoting government information disclosure in the education field, and further promote the standardization and standardization of government information disclosure in the education field. Strengthen the supervision and inspection on the information disclosure of colleges and universities across the province, constantly improve the effect evaluation mechanism, actively introduce third-party institutions to evaluate the implementation of colleges and universities, and guide colleges and universities to constantly improve the information disclosure work.

Second, further strengthen the construction of open teams. To guide colleges and universities to establish and improve the organizational structure of government affairs publicity, strengthen organizational leadership, and select and strengthen government affairs publicity staff. Strengthen the training of public staff, enhance their awareness of openness, improve their ability to release information, interpret policies, and respond to concerns, and provide a strong guarantee for deepening the education and government affairs publicity work in the province.

The third is to further strengthen the platform construction and improve the ability of information resource integration. By promoting the construction of education "data warehouse" and "Internet+government service", we will achieve the maximum range of data sharing, improve the ability of information disclosure and the level of public service.


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