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Index number: 002482082/2013-06773 Subject classification: Science and technology, education/education
Issued by: provincial department of public education Publication date: 2013-06-06

2012 Annual Report of Zhejiang Provincial Department of Education on Government Information Disclosure
Issued on: June 6, 2013 Source: Provincial Education Department Number of views: Font:[ large in Small ]

two thousand and twelve In, our department conscientiously implemented《 two thousand and twelve In accordance with the Implementation Measures of Zhejiang Provincial Department of Education for the Publicity of Government Affairs Information, adhere to the principles of justice, fairness and convenience, further change the work style, improve administrative efficiency, actively carry out the work of government affairs openness, government information openness and government services, and strive to create a responsible, efficient, transparent Clean government image. According to statistics, our department actively publicized government information throughout the year two thousand three hundred and sixty-four Article; Totally accepted and disclosed according to application forty-five For example, all of them were made public, and no fees for copying, mailing, etc. were charged; Hold a press release (briefing) meeting eight Among them, a special news briefing was held in Beijing through the press release platform of the Ministry of Education to deal with school selection charges in Zhejiang and reduce the overburden of primary and secondary school students one And aroused strong repercussions throughout the country.

1、 Effectively strengthen the organization and leadership of government affairs publicity

Our department has always attached great importance to the openness of government affairs, the openness of government information, and the work of government services. We have established a leading group and its office for the openness of government affairs, with the main leader of the committee and the office as the team leader and two leaders in charge as the deputy team leaders. The Office of Government Affairs Publicity of the Department takes the responsibility of coordination, promotion and supervision, and all relevant departments take measures to implement the requirements of openness. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, establish and improve the system of government affairs disclosure. According to the new situation and requirements of the publicity work, we revised and improved the Implementation Opinions on the Publicity of Government Affairs, the Plan for the Publicity of Government Affairs, the Directory and Guide for the Publicity of Government Information of the Department, etc., made specific provisions on the objectives, requirements and specific contents of the openness of government affairs, and constantly put forward new requirements for the openness of government affairs according to the changes in conditions. The above provisions shall be made public in a timely manner through the portal website of the Department, the unified platform for provincial government information disclosure, the bulletin board of the Office Hall and other channels. In combination with the requirements of the efficiency construction of the government agencies, we will fully implement the one-time notification system, the first question responsibility system, the service commitment system AB Systems such as corner work system and accountability system for dereliction of duty have continuously improved the transparency of administrative work, and gradually formed a guarantee system for the implementation of organization, system and responsibility in the process of promoting the openness of government affairs. two thousand and twelve year eleven month twelve On September th, the executive meeting of the director of the provincial education department made a special study on the work of government affairs openness, and requested further strengthening the awareness of openness, improving relevant working systems, and comprehensively doing a good job in the work of government affairs openness in the provincial education system.

2、 Continuously expand the scope and content of government affairs publicity

First, focus on the administrative functions directly facing the people, and constantly expand the scope and content of government affairs openness. According to the requirements of the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Disclosure of Government Information and the Interim Measures of Zhejiang Province on the Disclosure of Government Information, the scope of active disclosure of information has been gradually clarified, and all government information formed by our department has been disclosed in accordance with the law, in an orderly and timely manner. two thousand and twelve In, in coordination with the construction of the unified platform for provincial government information disclosure, the Catalogue and Guide of Provincial Education Department for Government Information Disclosure was revised. The revised Catalogue and Guide are more in line with the new requirements of government affairs disclosure and the new development of education.

The second is to investigate and sort out the administrative licensing projects and approval projects at the same level in accordance with the requirements of the provincial party committee and the provincial government to "streamline administration and delegate power". two thousand and twelve In, our department delegated authority to the education administrative departments of all cities and counties (cities and districts) by means of entrustment and authorization five Administrative licensing projects. According to the requirements of the Administrative License Law, at present, our department fourteen Administrative licensing projects (including those that have been delegated five (items) are published on the hall portal, of which three Item is listed in the online service hall of the provincial government. All administrative licensing projects have clarified the basis, procedures, operators, supervision measures and other contents of each project, and disclosed the acceptance department, basis, requirements, time limit, responsible person and results of administrative licensing. Except for confidential matters, non administrative licensing matters handled with administrative power shall be disclosed to grass-roots units or the society in a timely manner.

The third is to constantly improve the government service system to meet the needs of the people and the requirements of the development of education. All normative documents and government information related to the system units and individuals are open to grassroots units and teachers and students. All the policy documents involving schools, students and teachers are open (including the policy standards of various awards, loans, subsidies, subsidies, exemptions, etc., the policy standards of preferential points for various examinations, the standards and results of teachers' job evaluation in the charge of our department, the use of education funds, the awards and punishments of teachers and students). The annual work objectives, tasks and implementation of the department, statistical bulletins and data on the development of education are disclosed to the whole society in stages. The internal financial use, personnel allocation, material procurement, cadre assessment, etc. of the organ shall be disclosed to the cadres and staff of the organ in a timely manner. We have also constantly standardized the procedures for government affairs disclosure, and all matters involving awards, job reviews, project applications, etc. must follow the publicity procedures; All matters involving capital construction and bulk material procurement must follow the bidding procedures.

3、 Try to enrich the form and carrier of government affairs openness

First, continue to take the portal website of the Provincial Education Department as the main channel to actively publish relevant policy documents, government information, etc. through the network and other media in a timely manner, so as to facilitate the people to understand, inquire and supervise administrative affairs. We strengthened the review of information release on the Department's portal website, two thousand and twelve year eleven month thirteen The Information Release System of Zhejiang Provincial Education Department Portal Website (for Trial Implementation) was printed and distributed on July, to further standardize the mechanism of website information collection, editing, review, release and update, and ensure that the information released is accurate, timely and effective. Cooperate with the construction of the provincial government website, improve the online government affairs resource database, so that the people can timely query relevant policy documents through the network. Promote the construction of online service hall, ensure that relevant administrative examination and approval items can be accepted and approved online, and actively provide services such as form downloading, online consultation and project inquiry, so as to facilitate grassroots people and improve work efficiency. Through online interactive communication platforms such as online consultation and information disclosure suggestion boxes, we can answer the questions about laws, regulations, policies and procedures in education for the public in a timely manner, and humbly accept the opinions and suggestions put forward by the public. Actively participate in the construction of the unified platform for provincial government information disclosure, and constantly expand the channels for government affairs disclosure.

The second is to strengthen the contact with the news media, and timely hold a press release (ventilation) meeting to disclose the government affairs that the masses are most concerned about and the society is generally concerned about. two thousand and twelve In, we organized several press releases (briefings) attended by major news media inside and outside the province on such hot issues as accelerating the modernization of education, promoting the balanced development of compulsory education, curbing the indiscriminate charging of primary and secondary schools, deepening the curriculum reform of ordinary high schools, strengthening the construction of teachers' ethics, and the third national art exhibition for college students. two thousand and twelve year twelve month twenty On October 1, the Ministry of Education recommended that a news briefing on typical cases of promoting balanced development of compulsory education be held in Beijing, which aroused enthusiastic responses nationwide. In combination with educational hot spots and some major activities, we focused on introducing the reform and development of education in the mainstream media inside and outside the province, reported independently and provided a large number of news reports to major media. According to incomplete statistics, the main media inside and outside the province reported the reform and development measures and achievements of education in our province throughout the year one thousand More than. Adhere to the press spokesman system, take the initiative to open information about major educational reform and development through the news media, give a detailed interpretation of educational issues of general concern to the public, and respond to educational hot issues in a period of time.

Third, we will continue to improve our government information services to ensure that the public has the right to apply for government information. When providing information, strictly abide by the confidentiality review mechanism, standardize the review procedures, and implement the review responsibilities. In the process of accepting the application for disclosure of government information, the government information that needs or can be widely known by the society should be actively disclosed through portals and other channels while responding to the applicant, so as to avoid repeated applications for the same government information and effectively improve work efficiency. two thousand and twelve In, a total of applications were accepted forty-five For example, all of them were made public, and no fees for copying and mailing were charged. Among them, forty-one For example, certificate of education or salary, three For example, scientific research, one For example, compiling history and compiling records. one For scientific research purposes, an application for information disclosure is subject to administrative reconsideration for some reason.

Fourth, open channels to listen to the opinions and suggestions of the education system and all sectors of society. Before the introduction of important policies and measures involving the vital interests of the people and teachers and students, the opinions of the masses are widely solicited and absorbed in the system and the whole society through the convening of symposiums, demonstration meetings and other forms, as well as media, networks, letters, telephone and other means. The children of migrant workers from other provinces who came to cities to take part in the entrance examination after receiving compulsory education in our province, and to deepen the curriculum reform of ordinary high schools were widely consulted before the introduction of major policies and measures. Among them, the deepening of the curriculum reform of high schools has successively held a forum for consultation at all levels forty More than times, and solicited opinions from the whole society on the hall portal website. We will improve the daily contact mechanism with NPC deputies and CPPCC members, take the initiative to communicate with relevant NPC deputies and CPPCC members in handling proposals, and listen to their opinions in depth. It is suggested that both the communication rate before the reply of the proposal host document and the direct visit rate of the department leaders should be achieved 100% The main leaders and leaders in charge of the committee and office have participated in the Voice of Zhejiang and Zhejiang Online interactive live broadcast activities for many times to directly listen to and respond to the concerns of listeners and netizens.

4、 Comprehensively promote the openness of the provincial education system

We vigorously promoted "sunshine government", studied and formulated the "Sunshine Project" Implementation Plan of Zhejiang Education System, focusing on the implementation of six projects, including "sunshine enrollment" for compulsory education, "sunshine project" for high school and college enrollment, "sunshine charge" for education, "sunshine operation" for the People's Education Foundation, "sunshine management" for scientific research funds, and "sunshine review" for projects and professional titles. We will strengthen the disclosure of information on the use of scientific research funds, and jointly issued the Measures for the Disclosure of Information on the Use of Scientific Research Funds in Zhejiang Province with the Provincial Department of Supervision, the Provincial Department of Science and Technology and the Provincial Department of Finance to further standardize the management and use of scientific research funds in colleges and universities and promote the healthy and sustainable development of higher education. We will strengthen the governance of school selection fees for compulsory education, and jointly issue the Notice on Governance of School Selection Fees at the Stage of Compulsory Education with the Provincial Rectification Office, the Provincial Department of Finance, and the Provincial Price Bureau. We have made great efforts to control school selection fees at the compulsory education stage sixty-two Counties (cities and districts) have achieved "zero school selection", twenty The proportion of students choosing schools in counties (cities, districts) is controlled at 5% Within, seven The proportion of students choosing schools in counties (cities, districts) decreased compared with the previous year 50% As mentioned above, social complaints about education fees have declined significantly, and people's satisfaction with education has further improved.

Earnestly implement the Implementation Opinions on Further Promoting the Work of Information Disclosure in Colleges and Universities, the Notice on Forwarding the Opinions of the Ministry of Education on Promoting the Work of Information Disclosure in Primary and Secondary Schools, the Implementation Measures for the Work of Party Affairs Disclosure in Grassroots Party Organizations in Zhejiang Education System, and the Directory of Party Affairs Disclosure in Colleges and Universities in Zhejiang Province (Trial), Actively explore the organic integration of the openness of government affairs, information, party affairs and school affairs. We investigated and investigated the work of the provincial education system, especially the university information disclosure and party affairs disclosure, and carried out special supervision.

two thousand and twelve In, our department actively promoted the work of opening government affairs, improved relevant systems, improved the understanding of all sectors of society on education, standardized administrative management and school running behavior, enhanced the awareness of cadres and teaching staff to manage education and schools according to law, and played a positive role in promoting the reform and development of education in the province. However, compared with the relevant requirements of government information disclosure, there are still some problems and shortcomings. Next, we will further improve the working mechanism of government information disclosure, and improve the disclosure work, especially in accordance with the standard requirements of application for disclosure. Make full use of new carriers to enrich information release channels, and actively provide various forms and rich content of government services. We will make more efforts to make the administrative decision-making process and results public, and continue to promote the open and transparent operation of administrative power. We will strengthen the supervision and inspection of the openness of the education system and improve the openness of the education system in the province.

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