July 6, 2021 Tuesday
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Panxi Prison in Sichuan Province, founded in 1958, is located in Mapingba Village, Anning Town, Xichang City, the capital of Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture It is a medium security prison with a long history and modern flavor.

The prison mainly detains criminals from Panzhihua City and Liangshan Prefecture. In recent years, the proportion of ethnic minorities, drug related criminals, violent criminals and criminals sentenced to more than 10 years has increased significantly, and the number of mentally ill criminals in prison temporarily ranks first in the province. The prison has been free for 14 consecutive years, and has been free of major cases in prison for more than 20 consecutive years. It has won the third prize in the performance appraisal of the prison system in Sichuan Province for two consecutive years, and was rated as a provincial political model organ in 2020.

In recent years, under the strong leadership and care and support of the Party Committee of the Department and the Bureau, the historical problems of Panxi Prison have been gradually resolved, the overall efficiency of labor transformation has continued to grow, the reconstruction and expansion projects have been carried out in an orderly manner, the civilian police staff team has been united and stable, and the epidemic prevention and control achievements have been consolidated, maintaining the overall security and stability of the prison. These achievements are the result of the strong support and concern of the Department and Bureau Party Committee.

    The year 2021 is the first year of the "14th Five Year Plan", the "Year of High Quality Development" of the Central Political and Legal Commission, the "Year of Strict Implementation" of the Ministry of Justice, the "Year of Optimization and Improvement" of the Department of Justice, the year to achieve the medium-term goal of "leap forward and deepening" of Sichuan Prison in the new five years, and the year to press the "fast forward key" and start the "construction while holding" mode of Panxi Prison Accelerate the "new year" of the five-year goal. Under the strong leadership of the Party Committee of the Provincial Bureau, the prison will carry forward the spirit of "three bulls", unite in good faith, overcome all difficulties, and strive for victory. It will work hard to start a new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way, and strive to build a higher level of rule of law, peace, and beauty!

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