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Strong belief, foundation building, and cohesion make a new journey
Sichuan Provincial Prison Administration http://jyglj.sc.gov.cn        14:11, June 28, 2024        Source: Information Assurance Center       【 Print this page 】 【 close window

In order to thoroughly study and implement the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on comprehensively strengthening the Party's discipline construction, guide Party members and cadres to firmly support the "two establishment", resolutely achieve the "two maintenance", further enhance political determination, discipline determination, moral determination, resistance to corruption, and always be loyal, clean and responsible, six month twenty-one On October th, the party branch of the provincial government's e-government office, the party branch of the provincial party committee's political and legal committee's intelligent construction guidance office, the party branch of the department of science and information technology of the Department of Justice, the party branch of the prison administration's information security center, and the fifth party branch of the provincial women's prison comprehensive security organized the joint construction of the branch and the theme party day activity of "strengthening faith, building a foundation, and rallying force for a new journey".


Party members from five Party branches investigated the use of prison informatization construction and cross department case handling platform in the prison command center; We will go deep into prison areas and reform through labor sites to carefully investigate the standardized management of the "three major reforms", namely, reform through labor, reform through education, and reform through supervision.

In the warning education base, the party members who participated in the activity watched the warning education program drama "Mystery · Understanding", the song and dance drama "Daughter's Call" and the dance "Mother I Was Wrong", accepted the collective warning education, deeply analyzed the negative examples, reviewed the oath of joining the party, felt the original intention, practiced the mission, further strengthened the ideal and belief, enhanced the awareness of law and discipline, and adhered to loyalty, cleanliness The political character of responsibility.

The five branches carried out in-depth discussions and exchanges around the theme of "how to be a loyal, clean and responsible qualified party member in the new era" and "how to improve the ability to resist corruption and prevent degeneration in the new era", further promoting collaborative innovation among branches.

This branch co construction and warning education activity has deepened the co construction and co governance among branches, promoted sharing, and improved the ability of Party members to resist corruption and prevent degeneration. Party members participating in the event said that in the next work and study, they should constantly improve their political ability, thinking ability and practical ability, continue to rally their minds, strengthen the Party spirit, be brave to take responsibility and focus on practice, and rally to re launch the new journey of Sichuan's informatization development, and make efforts to deliver the party and people with the attitude of being firm, progressive, and fighter Keep up with the new answers of the times.

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