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Policy interpretation | Safety Production Responsibility System of Leaders and Departments of Sichuan Prison System
       14:42, April 16, 2024        Source: Environmental Safety Division
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Safety production responsibility system of leaders at all levels and departments of Sichuan prison system (partially disclosed)

1、 Background and significance

In accordance with the relevant national laws and regulations such as the Production Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, the Fire Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, the Fire Regulations of the People's Republic of China, the Several Provisions of the Ministry of Justice on Strengthening the Work Safety in Prisons, the Work Safety Regulations of Sichuan Province, and the specific requirements of the Safety Committee of the provincial government on the implementation of work safety responsibilities, Summarize and refine the effective practices in the implementation of the list of work safety responsibilities, adapt to the practical requirements of higher, more detailed and stricter work safety, and revise and improve the Work Safety Responsibility System of Leaders and Departments at All Levels of the Prison System in Sichuan Province. After the introduction of the system, it further standardized the safety production management of the whole system, blocked the blind spot of the system, clarified the responsibility of leaders and departments at all levels for safety production, and effectively prevented and contained various production safety accidents.

II Scope of application

Within the prison system of Sichuan Province, leaders at all levels and relevant departments perform their responsibilities for work safety, which is applicable to this responsibility system.

Where laws, regulations, rules and normative documents prepared and issued by the State Council have other provisions on the responsibilities of the government and relevant departments for supervision and administration of production safety, such provisions shall prevail. The specific requirements of "Party and government share the same responsibility and one post has two responsibilities" for work safety shall be stipulated by the provincial bureau in another document.

3、 Principles and obligations

Work safety should be people-oriented, adhere to the people first, life first, put the protection of people's life safety in the first place, firmly establish the concept of safe development, adhere to the policy of "safety first, prevention first, comprehensive treatment", coordinate development and safety, adhere to the "Party and government share responsibility, one post has two responsibilities, joint management, accountability for dereliction of duty" and "Three controls and three requirements" Adhere to the principle of The work requirements of "who is in charge, who is responsible, who approves, who is responsible, who takes the lead, who is responsible" and "combining territorial supervision with hierarchical supervision, focusing on territorial supervision" are implemented to implement safety production responsibilities.

4、 Key content and explanation

(1) Clarified the responsible subject and person

This responsibility system points out that, Prisons And business unit It is the main body responsible for the safety production of the unit, and performs the main responsibility of safety production according to the regulations The main responsible persons at all levels are the first responsible person for the work safety of the unit (department) and are fully responsible for the work safety of the unit from prison Party Committee Members are in charge of the whole prison Other persons in charge of work safety In charge Work safety within the scope of responsibility.

(2) Clarified the safety work responsibilities of leaders at all levels

This responsibility system defines The safety responsibilities of the first person responsible for work safety at all levels have clearly defined the safety responsibilities of the leaders in charge of safety work, planning work, infrastructure work, supervision and transformation work, administrative logistics work, technical work, political work, financial work, audit work, discipline inspection and supervision work, police supervision work, trade union work and other work.

(3) Clarified the safety responsibilities of each functional department

This responsibility system defines Work safety supervision and management, technology, planning, infrastructure, supply, storage and transportation Safety responsibilities of emergency response (prison command center), prison administration, penalty execution, education and transformation, life and health, political work, human resources, finance, audit, letters and visits, policies and regulations, administrative office, discipline inspection and supervision, police supervision, trade unions and groups, etc.

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