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 Crown member of Garden Network The 13th year
Donglin Ecological Garden Seedling Base in Jiujiang County, Jiangxi Province Personal identity authentication
Address: Group 17, Yangliu Village, Mahuiling, Jiujiang County, Jiangxi Province
Contact: Xiong Zhiwei Click here to send me a message
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Tel.: 0792-6928297
Mobile: 15270591319
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WeChat: 15270591319
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 Donglin Ecological Garden Seedling Base in Jiujiang County, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Jiujiang County Donglin Ecological Garden Seedling Network and nursery nursery have a wide range of varieties and large quantities of seedlings ranging from 1 cm to 20 cm in diameter, and are now sold directly to *. This field can supply wild seedlings in front of and behind the house, ranging from 5 cm to 60 cm in diameter, such as green maple, plain tree, cherry blossom, saplings, Rhus chinensis, Huangshan Luan, Pistacia chinensis, palm, loquat, tamarisk pine, metasequoia glyptostroboides, Magnolia grandiflora, myrica rubra, sycamore, red fruit holly Acacia amurensis, crape myrtle, triangular maple. The same price compared with quality, the same quality, depending on price, honest operation, credit *, and goods comparison are the ideal seedling company for you to select seeds and purchase seedlings.

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Donglin Ecological Garden Seedling Base in Jiujiang County, Jiangxi Province Address: Group 17, Yangliu Village, Mahuiling, Jiujiang County, Jiangxi Province Tel: 0792-6928297
technical support: Garden network Administrator Portal
Business License No.: Zhe B2-20100396 Advertising Business License No.: 330100000040968 ZGZAB No. 33010402003154
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