Beijing has imposed administrative punishment on "Youku" and "iQiyi" for illegal acts

17:39, August 6, 2020 Source: China News Network

According to the WeChat official account of "Capital News and Publishing", recently, the Beijing Cultural Market Comprehensive Law Enforcement Corps carried out a centralized investigation and punishment of the violations of the video platform "Youku" and "iQiyi", and six violations were investigated and punished, and six administrative penalties were imposed.

The details are as follows:

1. For a TV play published by Youku that has links to "beauty drama" from other audio-visual program websites, the TV play contains pictures of male and female sexual behavior, contains obscene subtitles, and has illegal acts of rebroadcasting, linking, aggregating and integrating illegal radio and television channels and audio-visual program websites, a warning and an administrative penalty of 30000 yuan will be imposed.

2. For "Youku" publishing two music videos containing sexual hints and vulgar content and an online music containing drug related content such as "eat some ecstasy first", if there is an illegal act of commercial Internet cultural units to provide Internet cultural products containing prohibited content, an administrative penalty of 30000 yuan will be imposed.

3. If "Youku" publishes Internet audio-visual programs such as three game technique demonstration videos that induce minors to commit crimes and exaggerate violence, pornography and terrorist activities, and there are illegal acts of broadcasting audio-visual programs containing prohibited content, it will be given a warning and fined 30000 yuan.

4. For "iQIYI", which publishes two online game commentaries that contain content such as inducing minors to commit crimes and exaggerating violence and terrorist activities, and the spread of audio-visual programs that contain prohibited content, an administrative penalty of warning and a fine of 30000 yuan will be imposed.

5. An administrative penalty of 30000 yuan will be imposed on "iQIYI" for publishing two music videos containing the content of instigating crime, and there is an illegal act of commercial Internet cultural units providing Internet cultural products containing prohibited content.

6. An administrative penalty of 30000 yuan will be imposed for the illegal act of broadcasting audio-visual programs containing prohibited content in a five episode overseas documentary film published by "iQiYi".

Screenshot of "Capital News Publishing" WeChat official account

(Editor in charge: Mao Siyuan, Qiu Ye)