Jingdezhen integrates high-quality e-commerce resources to enable the development of ceramic industry

06:50, June 27, 2020 Source: jiangxi daily

On June 24, Guokong Group · Juhuasuan - the press conference of short selling Jingdezhen Fine Porcelain and Xinhua Porcelain Classic was held at the ancient stage of Wuwangmiao, Yuyao Jingxiang, Jingdezhen.

Jingdezhen is a world-famous porcelain capital. In recent years, the ceramic art and ceramic industry in the city have entered a new stage of development. Taking advantage of the construction of Jingdezhen National Ceramic Culture Inheritance and Innovation Pilot Zone, Jingdezhen State Holding Group and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Jingdezhen Guoxin Ceramic Cube Ceramics Co., Ltd., are making every effort to build a new Jingdezhen ceramic retail intelligent innovation park, with a view to enabling the development of the ceramic industry by comprehensively integrating high-quality e-commerce resources. The reporter learned from the press conference that recently, Jingdezhen State Holding Group will join hands with Tmall to hold the activity of "short selling Jingdezhen good porcelain", make full use of the Internet sales model of live sales, and vigorously promote and sell Jingdezhen ceramic products. (Reporter Wang Jingping)

(Editor in charge: Shuai Jun, Qiu Ye)