Want to eat immunity? You have to learn these first!

Yang Daiwu, Yin Jiake

10:21, May 25, 2020 Source: People's Network

Since ancient times, there has been a saying in China that "food is the most important thing for the people". People pursue beauty and joy in diet, and pay attention to good color, fragrance, taste and behavior. Chinese food is not only rich in content, but also rich in culture behind it.

But reasonable nutrition is very important for improving human health and immunity. Nowadays, everyone is advocating "eating out immunity and improving immunity". We can improve various nutrients needed by the human body and enhance immunity through scientific food combination.

What nutrients can improve resistance?

Our common immune nutrients are that the human body improves the function of cellular immunity and humoral immunity through the intake of various components, thereby improving its own resistance.

1. Protein: Protein is an important component for producing antibodies. Some proteins can be synthesized by the human body itself, but most of them need to be "eaten". Only by ingesting sufficient protein can we assemble high-quality protein and antibody needed by human body in vivo, so that we can really improve immune function.

2. Micronutrients with low content of vitamins, iron, zinc, copper, selenium, etc. and strong energy can all play a role in improving immunity.

3. Probiotics: People pursue intestinal health. If the bacteria in the intestinal tract are healthy, they can also ensure their own immunity.

How to carry out scientific nutrition diet?

The so-called "nutritious meal" is not about how nutritious the food and cooking methods are, but about the nutritional value of food combinations. "There is no most unhealthy food, only the most unhealthy way to eat". To achieve nutritional balance, remember the following "tips":

1. Eat more than 13 kinds of food every day. Food diversification is an important factor to achieve nutritional balance, and nutritional balance is also crucial to health.

2. Eat four kinds of food. For example, cereals (grains), vegetables and fruits, meat, eggs, milk, beans, oils, etc.

3. 3~6 liang or 3~7 liang of staple food, 1 jin of vegetables, 1~2 fruits, 1 egg, 1 bag of milk or 1 cup of yogurt, 2 liang of lean meat and 2 tablespoons of oil are guaranteed every day, which constitute what we call a balanced diet.

In addition, nutrition problems that can be solved by food need not be solved by drugs. Restore nutrients to natural food, rather than relying solely on preparations to solve problems. Return to a healthy lifestyle, and let health care products become "assistants" rather than dominant.

Interviewee: Chen Wei, Deputy Director of Clinical Nutrition Department of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, and Chairman of Clinical Nutrition Branch of Chinese Nutrition Society

(Editor in charge: Shuai Jun, Qiu Ye)