China Emergency Management News: Inherit the Genes of the Times, Accumulate Endeavour Strength, Sidelights on the Political Work of Jiangxi Fire Rescue Corps

  • Source: China Emergency Management News
  • Author: China Emergency Management News
  • Release date: 2023-11-17 08:52:45
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On November 3, 2023, China's emergency management reported the political work of Jiangxi Fire Rescue Corps in the past five years with the title of Inheriting the Genes of the Times and Saving Endeavour - Sidelights of Political Work of Jiangxi Fire Rescue Corps. The full text is as follows:

Over the past five years, the Party Committee of Jiangxi Fire Rescue Corps has faithfully practiced the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important precepts, continued to strengthen political construction, consolidated the foundation, and worked hard together, making solid progress in the reform and development of the team.

Forge strong and excellent "leading geese" under the above rate

How to achieve the goal of "can"? Where does the confidence of "winning" come from? The Party Committee of the Corps takes forging a strong and competent team as the starting point, strictly implements the system of "the first topic", establishes a learning mechanism of "the Party Committee leads the learning, must learn before the meeting, and learns every week", and unremittingly builds the soul, wisdom, style, and work with learning. In order to ensure that all members share the same frequency and strive in the same direction during the development of the team, the Party Committee of the General Team adheres to the principle of setting first and then discussing, and seeks the maximum common denominator of team building. On this basis, the team actively serves the national and regional development strategies, actively integrates into the local emergency management system, and leads the team forward with a strong demonstration effect.
Selecting and appointing people is the best guidance. The headquarters insists on selecting personnel according to the situation, performance and regulations, fully authorizes the party committee of the detachment under its jurisdiction, fully trusts the business line, fully respects the public recognition, fully implements the provincial fire rescue personnel transfer, student distribution, rank promotion and point system, strictly implements the policy and time nodes, implements the real name system of the cadres recommended by the team members, and truly transfers power to the rules, The team is upwind and downwind, united in heart and strong enough.

Condense the Heart and Cast the Soul to Boost the Entrepreneurship "Spirit"

In order to further boost the entrepreneurial enthusiasm of fire rescue personnel in the province, the team regularly carried out a series of ideological and theoretical learning and education, such as learning words, forging loyalty, creating new career, and making new contributions, and constantly strengthened the confidence and determination of fire rescue personnel in reform by organizing a thorough investigation and education, holding a report meeting on "telling loyalty" and other advanced deeds, to ensure that their minds were not disorderly The team keeps on working, and the energy keeps on working.
With the deepening of the reform, the Corps has carried out the theme education of "Remember the leader's precepts and always be a loyal guard" for three consecutive years, firmly established the "soul" and "outline" of the team, and boosted the "spirit" of fire rescue personnel.
The headquarters gave full play to the advantages of the area with many red resources, insisted on cultivating the soul and drawing strength from the red resources, and continued to promote the reform and development of the team. Since the transfer, the Corps has organized the preparation of Jiangxi Fire Protection Development History under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, set up 270 red education bases, and collected more than 180 fire theme songs. At the same time, the team fully exploited expert resources, carried out joint construction of the party and government in different fields and industries, promoted the establishment of a pool of ideological and political education experts, and through the "five red and one lesson" model of consolidating red history, telling red stories, watching red movies, reading red letters, watching red old sites, and new team members joining the first lesson of "red education", Effectively integrate the red gene into the blood of fire rescue workers in the province.

Caring for the grassroots to activate the "source power" of innovative development

In the face of the difficulties and pain points in the team development, the Party Committee of the headquarters bravely faced the contradictions and took the initiative to solve the problems, focused on meeting the expectations of grassroots fire rescue personnel for team management education and warm-hearted measures, and constantly stimulated the professional identity and sense of honor of fire rescue personnel. The General Team seized the opportunity of three-year reform and transition, vigorously tackled 74 historical problems that had plagued the team for many years, such as the transfer of staffing and the handling of barracks property rights, and led the team to embark on a new journey with light equipment.

On the hot issues involving the vital interests of grassroots fire rescue personnel and the difficult issues of grassroots development, the Corps insists on doing practical things and solving difficulties for grassroots every year, promotes the construction of "Flame Blue" home of all branches and brigades under its jurisdiction, and helps fire rescue personnel solve difficulties and grow into talents; Coordinate the Provincial Charity Federation to set up Jiangxi Fire Charity Fund to distribute relief funds to 82 local families of heroes and fire rescue workers with special difficulties; The teams at all levels are equipped with fire-fighting protective clothing cleaning and air drying equipment and drinking water facilities and equipment, and the living facilities are constantly improved. All the grass-roots teams and stations under their jurisdiction have achieved "four hot and one dry", and the sense of gain and happiness of fire rescue personnel has continued to increase.

The actions and facts of the Party Committee of the Corps have greatly stimulated the entrepreneurial enthusiasm of team officers. The majority of fire rescue personnel are devoted to their duties, selfless and dedicated, and complete various tasks of fire prevention and emergency rescue with high quality. Over the past five years, the fire situation in the province has remained stable, the team is highly safe and stable, and the fire protection work in the province has been rated as "excellent" in the national assessment for three consecutive years. The team has successively won the first place in the fifth national search and rescue dog technical contest, the first overall score in the first national professional skills contest in the fire industry, and won the "gold helmet" of the fire fighter project, and the fourth overall score in the second "flame blue" combat based contest of the national fire rescue team, creating the best contest score in the history of Jiangxi fire rescue team.

Typical leaders stand up and act as "wind vane"

In July 2020, the Poyang Lake basin experienced an unprecedented flood. Only half a day after the release of the mobilization order for flood fighting and rescue, more than 400 fire rescue workers from Jiujiang Fire Rescue Detachment submitted their letters of invitation to participate in the flood fighting and rescue. All firefighters of the detachment moved to the danger when they heard of the flood, successfully completed various tasks, and rescued and evacuated more than 13000 trapped people in distress. In September 2020, Jiujiang Fire Rescue Detachment was awarded the honorary title of "Model of the Times" by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee.

This is Jiangxi Provincial fire rescue It is a microcosm of the Corps' efforts to promote team building and adhere to serving the people. Ruijin Fire Rescue Brigade, the national "civil servant collective satisfied by the people", the party committee of Yongxin Fire Rescue Brigade, the "national advanced grass-roots party organization", and Li Shengli, the "China's loyal defender of fire protection"... When the party and the people need it, the fire rescue personnel always stand up and emerge many heroes and models. The emergence of heroes cannot be separated from the soil that nourishes their growth. In the past five years, in the actual combat of one major task after another, Jiangxi fire rescue teams have emerged a number of advanced models. The number of various types of models and the level of commendation have reached a new record. Two collectives have been commended by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and 205 collectives (individuals) have been commended at the provincial and ministerial levels.

Leading by example, striving to achieve dreams. One by one, advanced models have set up spiritual monuments, encouraging fire rescue workers to practice their mission and serve the people wholeheartedly. In the past five years, the Corps has exchanged experience in many business work such as the standardization of supervision and law enforcement, "five advances" in fire propaganda, water rescue training, and the construction of grass-roots fire forces at national conferences. Jiangxi Provincial Fire Rescue Corps was awarded the first class collective merit by the provincial party committee and provincial government, and was rated as an advanced unit "to build a model organ that can reassure the Party and satisfy the people" by the provincial organ working committee.

Jiangxi fire rescue team will keep in mind the spirit of the precepts, adhere to political guidance, continue to forge ahead, and strive to create a new situation for the development of modern Jiangxi fire rescue.

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