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      Juye County's "five for" volunteer service activity - "for small" chapter

      Released on June 14, 2023 at 13:58:53, Long term effective , 201 Browse
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    • Area: Juye
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    Release time: 2023-02-13 15:00:45
    Source: Giant Field of Civilization
    In order to further strengthen and improve the ideological and moral construction of minors, inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, create a happy and auspicious festival atmosphere, let children feel the charm of traditional Chinese festivals in practical activities, and enhance cultural self-confidence, Juye County organized various forms of "for small" civilized practice volunteer service activities.

    Tie lantern

    Lantern is one of the typical elements of Chinese traditional culture, and it is also a symbol of festivity and auspiciousness. In the "Revival Children's Palace" in the village, the volunteers distributed the production materials and explained the production steps. Then, the children carefully started to make the lanterns with the tips of the volunteers and parents. Through step by step building, fixing, assembling and pasting, beautiful lanterns were presented to everyone.

    With the rural "Renaissance Children's Palace" as the carrier, parents and children are organized to make lanterns together, so that children can understand and inherit traditional culture in practice by making hand-made lanterns, cultivate their love for traditional festivals, enhance parent-child feelings through parent-child interaction and exchanges, and bring love and happiness home with lanterns as the media, Create a warm atmosphere of happy reunion.


    Tangyuan, which means reunion, is a traditional delicacy of the Lantern Festival. In the New Era Civilization Practice Station, volunteers prepared glutinous rice flour, black sesame stuffing and peanut stuffing in advance. Under the leadership of the volunteer teachers, the children worked together and worked together, and soon they were wrapped up with round and chubby dumplings.

    Later, the children used edible toner to write on the dumpling about virtue, healthy lifestyle, socialist core values and voluntary services, such as self-discipline and helping others, filial piety and loving relatives, honesty and altruism, thrifty and green, and co construction and sharing. Civilized literacy was quietly developed in the hearts of children. The children feel particularly sweet when they eat the tangyuan wrapped by themselves. Through the activity of wrapping tangyuan, they can experience the happiness of doing things by themselves.

    guess lantern riddles

    A string of red lanterns added a strong festival atmosphere. The riddles made of strips of colored paper were hung under the lanterns. The riddles covered popular science knowledge, traditional culture, folk knowledge, natural science, and common sense of life. In addition to word puzzles, there are also word puzzles, place name puzzles, etc., which are both entertaining and informative. Children actively participate, or guess puzzles together, or bow their heads in meditation. Everyone is in high spirits and shows their talents. After they guess the riddles correctly, they can also receive small gifts.

    Through participating in the lantern riddle guessing activity, children can further deepen their understanding of traditional festivals, feel the unique charm of traditional culture, and enjoy a civilized and harmonious lantern festival in laughter.

    Intangible Cultural Heritage Paper Cutting Welcomes Lantern Festival

    In the Song Dynasty, folk paper-cut was widely seen in the Lantern Festival. In order to further deepen children's understanding of traditional folk culture, we carried out the civilization practice activity of "Intangible Cultural Heritage Paper Cutting, Welcoming the Lantern Festival" at the coming of the Lantern Festival. With the guidance and help of the volunteers, the children worked conscientiously and cut out different kinds of festive works.

    When children saw the paper-cut made by themselves, they were all happy and happy. At the same time of entertaining life, let children learn while enjoying themselves, and let children understand and inherit traditions in practice by inheriting culture.

    Love during the Lantern Festival

    The Lantern Festival is a traditional festival in China and a day for family reunion. After the New Year, many parents of left behind children set out to work. Students will also return to school one after another to start classes, in order to let them feel the festival atmosphere and warmth, and help children in need and left behind children grow and learn healthily. Young volunteers and Lei Feng's rescue team from Hetaoyuan Town, Juye County carried out a visit activity of "Love for the Lantern Festival" to send care and learning materials to children. It is hoped that this activity will send strong care to children in need and left behind children and light their hearts. It is also hoped that more caring people will join in the team of caring for left behind children and make them no longer lonely.

    In order to let the children in trouble in Taiping Town, Juye County experience the festive atmosphere of the Lantern Festival, feel the atmosphere of family reunion and the happiness and warmth of the social family, and convey the warmth of the party and the government, Taiping Town organized a volunteer service team of caring party members to carry out the "Happy Lantern Festival, Warm Children" activity at the town's New Era Civilization Practice Institute, to provide the town with "Hope House" Children in need were provided with materials such as "Warm Heart Bag for School Start".

    The volunteers asked the children about their life and learning in detail, encouraged them to actively face life difficulties, maintain a positive attitude towards learning, cultivate the spirit of self-reliance and self-reliance, and encouraged them to change their destiny with knowledge. Volunteers also communicated cordially with parents to understand the difficulties children encounter in life and learning, and urged them to give more care to children.
    Dushan New Era Civilization Practice Institute, together with the Youth League Committee of Dushan Town, jointly carried out the 2023 "Our Festival • Lantern Festival" to send care and civilization practice activities to children in need. Volunteers came to the Hope House to send materials such as "school warming heart bags" to children. In the activity, the volunteers talked with the left behind children everywhere, asked them about their life and learning in detail, listened to their voices, encouraged them to study hard, hone their will, learn to be self reliant and confident, establish lofty aspirations and lofty ideals from childhood, and develop good conduct; Be a new person of the times with ideals, morality, culture and discipline.

    Read the Lantern Festival and celebrate the reunion

    The Lantern Festival, also known as the Shangyuan Festival, the Little First Moon, the New Year's Eve or the Lantern Festival, is one of the traditional festivals in China. It is held on the 15th day of the first lunar month every year. The first month is the first month of the lunar calendar. The ancients called "night" as "night". The 15th day of the first lunar month is the first full night of the year, so the 15th day of the first lunar month is called "Lantern Festival". In this activity, under the guidance of the teacher, the students sat neatly on the seats that had been arranged for a long time. The gentle teaching of the teachers firmly grasped the ears of each student. The teachers carefully guided the students to understand the stories in the book, put forward their own questions, and led them to find the correct answers both inside and outside the book. Young readers have realized the truth in the book, actively participated in reading, scrambled to speak, and enjoyed the fun together. Time flies away in the teachers and students' question and answer, and the sharing meeting comes to an end in the students' reluctance.

    Draw my Lantern Festival

    The New Era Civilization Practice Institute of Zhangjie Town, Juye County organized volunteers to carry out the children's painting activity of "Draw My Lantern Festival" in the countryside. The painting scene was filled with a happy atmosphere, and the young players were very excited and eager to try. After the activity began, the children were attentive. Under the guidance of volunteers, the children's emotions and interest in painting were fully aroused. Each of them waved a brush, just like a small painter, presenting colorful small works under their dexterous hands.

    This activity provides children with a platform for self display, exercises their ability to draw and imagine, enriches children's cultural life, and shows their inner world. The parents of the activity also said that this painting made the children and their parents feel the strong atmosphere of the Lantern Festival, and added a unique folk culture experience to the children. They hope that more interesting and useful activities can be held in the future.

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    Initial website: http://juye.yunhaoren.com/zhiyuanfuwu/11427.html
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