
1、 Hubei Internet Illegal and Bad Information Reporting Center encourages citizens, legal persons or other organizations to actively participate in the supervision of Internet illegal and bad information reporting.

2、 Hubei Internet Illegal and Bad Information Reporting Center accepts online illegal and bad information related to Hubei.

(1) Illegal information mainly includes:

1. Opposing the basic principles specified in the Constitution;


2. Endangering national security, divulging state secrets, subverting state power and undermining national unity;


3. Damage to national honor and interests;


4. Those who distort, vilify, desecrate, or deny the deeds and spirit of the heroic martyrs, or infringe upon the names, portraits, reputation, and honor of the heroic martyrs by insulting, slandering, or other means;


5. Publicizing terrorism and extremism or inciting terrorist and extremist activities;


6. Inciting national hatred, national discrimination and undermining national unity;


7. Those who undermine the state's religious policy and promote heresy and feudal superstition;


8. Spreading rumors and disturbing economic and social order;


9. Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or abetting crime;


10. Insult or slander others, and infringe upon others' reputation, privacy and other legitimate rights and interests;


11. Other contents prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.

(2) Bad information mainly includes:


1. Use exaggerated titles, and the content is seriously inconsistent with the title;


2. Those who hype scandal, scandal, bad deeds, etc;


3. Improperly commenting on natural disasters, major accidents and other disasters;


4. Those with sexual suggestion, sexual provocation, etc. that are easy to make people have sexual association;


5. Showing bloody, thrilling, cruel and other causes physical and mental discomfort;


6. Inciting crowd discrimination, regional discrimination, etc;


7. Publicizing vulgar, vulgar and kitsch contents;


8. It may cause minors to imitate unsafe behaviors, violate social morality, and induce minors' bad habits;


9. Other contents that have adverse effects on the network ecology.

3、 To report illegal and bad information on the Internet, the subject of the report shall provide the information website corresponding to the online report, or the basic materials such as relevant instructions and sample screenshots that are sufficient to accurately locate the report information, as well as the relevant evidentiary materials and other report elements.

4、 Online rumor clues to be refuted, please submit to“ Hubei Province Ballad Rejection Platform ”。

5、 The reporting subject shall be responsible for the objectivity and authenticity of the reported matter.

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