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Game speed regulation
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Adventure mode
Daytime grassland

Night Grass

Daytime swimming pool

Night pool

Mini Games
Puzzle mode
Index of educational models
   List Style
Index of educational models
Create I am a zombie level
Select your card
Atlas - Index

Atlas - plants
Cost: Cooling:
Atlas - Zombies
Atlas index
You've got a new plant!

The progress file was not successfully loaded from the author's website
If the Internet is not connected or the author's website cannot be opened successfully, you cannot view the latest progress display!

Notice on October 24, 2023: If you cannot play the new level, please clear the browser cache and try again
At the request of players, the game speed regulation function is specially launched
Click on the corresponding speed

Primary speed




Current game speed: one Double speed
Speed regulation description : Ideally, the speed adjustment provided by the game is 1/2 speed - 10 speed But the speed regulation effect is related to your browser and computer. For example, no matter how good the computer is, IE6 browser cannot be expected to be 10 times faster.
After speed regulation, the screen vision may occasionally feel a bit of a meal, and at a relatively high speed, some browsers may not be able to achieve the acceleration effect or can only accelerate for a short time and then slow down.
    Finally, it is strongly recommended to use IE9, Chrome, FireFox, Opera browsers, so that you can experience the feeling of machine gun with Pea Shooter!
Statement: Restricted by browser and computer, this speed regulation is not guaranteed to achieve the effect of speed selection!