Platform services

Stable, safe and trustworthy

Friends who often use QQ, WeChat and other software to transfer pictures should have encountered pictures saved separately. When using the Windows photo viewer provided with the system, they will be unable to open or print. The message "Windows Photo Viewer cannot display this picture because the available memory on the computer may be low. Please close some programs that are not in use at present or free some hard disk space (if the hard disk is almost full), and then try again." The reason is that ICC files are embedded in the picture.

Platform advantages

Survive with quality, promote development with reputation, and take the speed of issuing orders as its own responsibility

With more and more We Media, it is not impossible for Xiaobai to work part-time. Today, Xiaobian shares a multi-functional We Media tool. Smart AI voice dubbing is Xiaobai's gospel, and login is the member of 1970.

Station Master's Experience

Time proves everything. We always believe that only after sales can we have a future!

Smart PPT is a free online PPT editing and typesetting website owned by Jinshan, and it is also completely free to download. Click New in the upper left corner of the website to view various built-in templates!

System advantages:

The gadget solves the problem that "Windows Photo Viewer cannot display this picture because the available memory on the computer may be insufficient." | Guapi Pig Blog - free network resource sharing

Magic Voice Dubbing Cracked Version | Guapi Pig Blog - Free Network Resource Sharing

Online PPT free editing and typesetting - intelligent PPT | melon skin pig blog - free network resource sharing

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What we have

Widget Solution

Friends who often use QQ, WeChat and other software to transfer pictures should have encountered pictures saved separately

Magic voice dubbing

With the growing number of We Media, it is not impossible for Xiaobai to take a part-time job. Today, I will share a multi-functional We Media

Online PP

Smart PPT is a free online PPT editing and typesetting website owned by Kingsoft. It is also completely free to download. Click New in the upper left corner of the website


GitMind is a free mind mapping software that supports Win, Mac, IOS and online web versions. When we open the software, the interface is long

Resolve Browse

After using the browser on the computer for a period of time, you will find that the more you use it, the more it gets stuck. Especially when the web page is opened more often or the video is played, the whole browser responds quickly

Search people with pictures

Friends who like watching anime can probably experience a sad thing, that is, they see a screenshot of anime in the forum or group chat, and want to know about it