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The head of the hangover is still heavy, and the eyes are bright when you travel in the morning—— Bai Juyi's Ten Rhymes on Cold Food Days in Luoqiao

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Walking in the leafy forest, there was a beautiful sound at the foot, like a carriage crushing the water on the empty street. When I reached out to touch the bright and clean trunk of the birch tree, as when I first touched the Yellow River, I obviously felt warm. I am convinced that they are not fundamentally different from me. There is also blood flowing in their bodies. I have always admired the tall and straight image of birch trees. Looking at the birch forest in front of me, I realized that straightness is the primary condition for their survival. Which tree deviates from this direction in its growth means loss of sunshine and death. It is because each tree grows upright that they occupy less space. Only then can they gather into a forest and live together in peace and harmony. I think that the eternal and just survival rule of the forest world is also applicable in human society—— Wei An, Things on the Earth

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