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The final of the first Nanjing Municipal Waste Classification Volunteer Square Dance Competition was held

Nanjing Xuanwu: Open the "last kilometer" of muck transportation supervision in the daytime Nanjing Liuhe: Concentrate on selling and guiding points to make the flavor of the Spring Festival "thick"

Nanjing Urban Management Bureau is a functional department of the people's government. According to the Notice of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee and the People's Government of Jiangsu Province on Printing and Distributing the Scheme for the Reform of the People's Government of Nanjing City (Su Wei [2010] No. 63) and the Opinions of the CPC Nanjing Municipal Committee and the People's Government of Nanjing City on the Implementation of the Reform of the People's Government of Nanjing City (Ning Wei [2010] No. 43), The Municipal Urban Administration Bureau shall be set up to be the working department of the municipal government and bear the responsibility of comprehensive urban management.

The Municipal Urban Administration Bureau has 11 internal institutions, namely, the Office, the Policy and Regulation Division (the Law Enforcement and Supervision Division), the Science and Technology Information Division (the Market Management Division), the City Appearance and Landscape Management Division, the Urban and Rural Environmental Sanitation Management Division, the Municipal Administration Division, the Greening Management Division, the Patriotic Health Management Division, the Planning and Finance Division, the Organization and Personnel Division, and the Publicity and Education Division.

  • Nanjing City Photo Huang Xin/Photo
    Night View of Xuanwu Lake Huang Xin/Photo
    Xuanwu Lake Panorama Huang Xin/Photo
    Aerial view of Nanjing City Huang Xin/photo
    Full view along Fengtai South Road Huang Xin/photo