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Annual meeting of Yangtze River Delta Science and Technology Volunteer Service Alliance

Jiangsu Association for Science and Technology is a local organization of the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), a people's organization under the leadership of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, and a mass organization of scientific and technological workers in Jiangsu Province.

In September 1959, Jiangsu Science and Technology Popularization Association and Jiangsu Branch of All China Federation of Natural Science Specialized Societies merged to establish Jiangsu Science and Technology Association.

According to the official website of Jiangsu Association for Science and Technology in August 2018, Jiangsu Association for Science and Technology has and is connected with 134 provincial associations, associations and research associations established in natural science, technological science, engineering technology and related disciplines, 25 associations for science and technology of colleges and universities, 13 associations for science and technology of cities under provincial jurisdiction, 104 county (city, district) associations for science and technology, and 1776 associations for science and technology of enterprises.