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2022 Yangzhou Civil Servant Examination Venue Distribution Summary - Jiangsu Province Examination Venue Distribution Enter reading mode

2022 Yangzhou Civil Servant Examination Venue Distribution Summary - Jiangsu Province Examination Venue Distribution Enter reading mode  Click me to consult

2021-12-08 15:02:30 |Source: Jiangsu Zhonggong Education

two thousand and twenty-two Jiangsu Provincial Civil Servant The written examination for public subjects will be held on December 11, and the written examination for professional subjects will be held on December 12. In order to help candidates better understand the distribution of examination venues in advance, Jiangsu Civil Servant Examination The channel collated for everyone: distribution summary of 2022 Yangzhou civil service examination venues distribution of Jiangsu Province examination venues; To learn more about the preparation for the exam in Jiangsu Province, please pay attention to Jiangsu Zhonggong Education!

two thousand and twenty-two Jiangsu Provincial Civil Servant Examination Distribution of examination places (Yangzhou examination area)
Name of examination site Examination site address Distribution of examination sites Distribution of examination rooms
Yangzhou Industrial Vocational and Technical College (Class A includes transferred students) No. 199, Huayang West Road, Yangzhou City (north entrance) View Now 133 examination rooms
Yangzhou Vocational University (Class A) 458 Wenchang West Road, Yangzhou City View Now 125 examination rooms
Jiangsu Yangzhou Technician College (Class A) No. 558, Jiangdu Road, Yangzhou City (West Gate Entrance) View Now 60 examination rooms
Yangzhou Higher Vocational and Technical School (Class A) No. 106, Wanfu West Road, Yangzhou City (East Gate of Guanchao Road) View Now 80 examination rooms
Jianghai Vocational and Technical College (Class B) No. 5, Yangzijiang South Road, Yangzhou City (south gate) View Now 60 examination rooms
Jiangsu Hanjiang Experimental School (Class B) No. 63, Baixiang Road, Yangzhou City (Ximen Entrance) View Now 103 examination rooms
Hanjiang Secondary Vocational School (Class C) No. 1, Zhizhong Road, east of Runyang South Road, Yangzhou City (south entrance) View Now 65 examination rooms
Guangling College of Yangzhou University (Class C) No. 199, Hanjiang South Road, Yangzhou City (south entrance) View Now 112 examination rooms

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》》》2022 Jiangsu Province Civil Service Examination Admission Card Printing Entrance Summary (all cities)


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(Editor in charge: Qi Shengkai)

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