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Announcement on the Selection and Transfer of 500 Outstanding Graduates in Jiangsu Province in 2021 Enter reading mode

Announcement on the Selection and Transfer of 500 Outstanding Graduates in Jiangsu Province in 2021 Enter reading mode  Click me to consult

In order to increase the efforts to find and reserve outstanding young cadres and strengthen the source construction of high-quality professional cadres, according to the relevant regulations on student selection and transfer, the following is the announcement on the selection and transfer of outstanding college graduates in Jiangsu Province in 2021.

1、 Selected objects and quantity

In 2021, for some "double first-class" construction colleges and universities and ordinary colleges and universities in the province, 500 fresh excellent graduates with college degrees or above will be selected and transferred (excluding commissioned training, orientation, college upgrading and independent college graduates). We will give priority to the selection and transfer of professionals in short supply in the fields of economy and finance, information technology, intelligent manufacturing, urban and rural construction, social governance, ecological environment, public health, etc. The number of male and female students selected for each position is half.

2、 Selective condition

Candidates must meet the following conditions:

1. Firm political position, love the party and patriotism, have ideal ambitions and family feelings, and are willing to serve and contribute to the country and people; Excellent in both character and learning, good comprehensive quality and development potential, and certain organization and coordination ability; Volunteer to work at the grass-roots level.

2. Party members of the Communist Party of China (including probationary members of the Communist Party of China, as of November 9, 2020).

3. Undergraduate students of the current year, who have won awards at or above the department level during their study in the colleges and universities within the scope of selection and transfer, and whose academic achievements should be in the top 50% of the class rankings, have held positions at the corresponding level, among which: college students of category I have held positions of class committee and above, including class (party and league organizations) and student union (party and league organizations); Class II college students have held positions of monitor and above, including monitor (secretary) of class (party and league organization), middle level principal of college student union (party and league organization), middle level deputy of college student union (party and league organization) and above.

The current graduate student has won awards at or above the department level during his study in the selected universities (including the undergraduate stage), has excellent academic performance, and has served as a class committee or above, including class (party and league organization) and student union (graduate student union, party and league organization).

The award-winning and serving time is up to the date of investigation, and the serving time is more than 1 academic year.

4. Undergraduate students are generally born after July 1, 1996, master students are generally born after July 1, 1993, and doctoral students are generally born after July 1, 1990.

5. Have the physical condition and psychological quality to perform the duties normally.

6. No disciplinary action was taken during school.

7. Other conditions stipulated by laws and regulations.

3、 Work steps

1. Announce. The announcement of the selection of candidates is printed and distributed to all relevant colleges and universities, and is also published on the website of the Organization Department of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee. The colleges and universities shall forward the transfer announcement to the new graduates of the whole school through documents, websites and other means.

2. Individual application. Eligible graduates can fill in the Roster of Candidates Recommended for the 2021 New Year Graduates in Jiangsu Province, and apply to the Party organization of the college or department.

3. Recommended by the school. The Organization Department of the Party Committee of colleges and universities (Student Affairs Office, Employment Guidance Center), together with the Party organizations of the colleges and departments, is responsible for reviewing the List of Candidates Recommended for the Selection of New Graduates in 2021 in Jiangsu Province filled in by the applicants, and summarizing and reporting it to the Party Committee of colleges and universities to study and determine the recommended list. The school recommends no plan restrictions. The list of candidates recommended by colleges and universities (Excel format and sealed PDF format) shall be sent to the mailbox before November 9, 2020.

4. Online registration. Graduates recommended by the school will log in to the business sub network of the portal website of Jiangsu Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department - Jiangsu Personnel Examination Network () from November 3 to November 9, 2020 to register, and the Organization Department of Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee will conduct the preliminary qualification review. Those who have not been recommended by the school can apply online first and then apply for recommendation. Candidates can only fill in one position. Registration deadline: 16:00, November 9; The deadline for payment confirmation is 16:00 on November 12.

5. Take the written examination. Written examination and Jiangsu Provincial Examination The written examination of civil servants is carried out simultaneously, and the candidates who pass the preliminary qualification examination participate in the written examination of Class A subjects. On the line of passing the written examination, according to the written examination results, the ratio of the number of interviewees to the number of candidates for each position should not be less than 3:1 in principle. If the number of qualified candidates is insufficient, the actual number of candidates can be interviewed. The examination permit printing and written examination results inquiry are carried out on the registration website.

6. Qualification review. Before the interview, the Organization Department of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee reviewed the qualifications of the candidates for the interview according to the List of Candidates Recommended for Selection of Graduates in 2021 in Jiangsu Province submitted by the university. The candidates who do not meet the transfer conditions and are not recommended by the university are unqualified in the qualification review. Those who fail to pass the reexamination shall be disqualified from the interview, and shall be supplemented from high score to low score among those who pass the written examination for the same position. The list of candidates for the interview is published on the website of the Organization Department of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee.

7. Conduct an interview. The interviewees will participate in the civil servant interview of Jiangsu Province. According to the job category, after conversion by the percentage system, the comprehensive score shall be calculated according to the ratio of written examination and interview scores of 1:1, and then the candidates for investigation shall be determined from high score to low score according to the ratio of 1.5:1 to the number of candidates for transfer. The corresponding transfer selection plan (the transfer selection plan for male and female students shall be reduced in the same step) that fails to reach the ratio.

8. Publicity of candidates. The Organization Department of the Party Committee of colleges and universities (Student Department, Employment Guidance Center) publicizes the candidates for investigation in the university through the university website. The publicity content includes the name, gender, birth date, time of joining the Party, position and time, commendation and reward, academic achievement ranking, etc. The publicity time shall not be less than 5 working days.

9. Organize investigation. The Organization Department of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee set up an investigation team to comprehensively understand the candidates' comprehensive performance, such as political quality, academic achievements, professional quality, development potential, and selection aspirations, as well as their employment rewards and punishments, through interviews with candidates, talks with teachers and students, and access to files. The candidates for the investigation were announced on the website of the Organization Department of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee.

10. Determine the candidates to be employed. After the conversion of the hundred point system, the written examination, interview and investigation are scored comprehensively at a ratio of 1:1:1, and the candidates to be recruited are determined from high to low scores. The candidates to be employed will be publicized on the website of the Organization Department of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee.

11. Organize physical examination. Organize the physical examination of candidates to be employed in accordance with the relevant regulations on the physical examination of civil servants. In case of any vacancy due to abandonment or unqualified physical examination at the physical examination stage, it shall be made up in a lump sum. The replacement candidates are publicized on the website of the Organization Department of Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee.

12. Determine employment. The candidates who pass the physical examination shall be selected by the Council of the Organization Department of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, and the list of candidates for employment shall be published on the website of the Organization Department of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee. The Organization Department of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee signed an employment agreement for college graduates with the candidates.

13. Handle employment and dispatch procedures. After the candidates are determined, the employment dispatch notice will be sent to the relevant colleges and universities. The competent education department shall handle the dispatch procedures. All relevant colleges and universities shall timely transfer the files to the organization department of the municipal party committee with districts in the dispatch place, and indicate the files of selected students. If the candidate fails to obtain the diploma and degree certificate within the time limit, the employment relationship will be automatically terminated.

14. Assign destination. The selected students shall be uniformly allocated within the district and city where they apply for the examination. Generally, they shall be arranged to work in the township (street) for no less than 3 years, while working in the village (community) for no less than 2 years.

15. Legal registration. The newly recruited personnel have a probation period of one year. If they pass the assessment after the probation period, they shall go through the appointment and grading procedures and register as civil servants; Unqualified employees will be dismissed.

4、 Work discipline

The selection work should implement strict requirements, adhere to openness, fairness and justice, strict standards, standardize procedures, strengthen supervision, and strictly control the entrance. The Party committees of relevant colleges and universities are requested to adhere to the conditions, strictly follow the procedures, conscientiously review the recommended candidates, and cooperate in the organization of investigation and other work. The new graduates who participate in the selection should truthfully fill in their personal information, provide employment awards, academic achievements and other supporting materials. If fraud is found, all candidates will be disqualified and disciplinary responsibilities will be investigated seriously. The prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic situation shall be carried out in accordance with the measures and requirements of Jiangsu Province for the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic situation in the 2021 annual examination of civil servants.

Contact number: 025 -, mailing address: Planning Office of the Organization Department of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, No. 70, West Beijing Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu, P.O. Box:, postcode: 210013.



Annex: 1. List of Recommended Colleges and Universities for Graduates in 2021 in Jiangsu Province

2. Job Profile of 2021 New Graduates in Jiangsu Province

3. List of candidates recommended for 2021 fresh graduates in Jiangsu Province


Organization Department of CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee

October 30, 2020



List of Recommended Colleges and Universities for Graduates in 2021 in Jiangsu Province

Job Profile of 2021 New Graduates in Jiangsu Province

List of candidates recommended for 2021 fresh graduates in Jiangsu Province

Original title: Announcement on the Selection and Transfer of Outstanding Graduates in Jiangsu Province in 2021

Source: http://www.jszzb.gov.cn/jsxdsxbzt/info_56.aspx?itemid=31166


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