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Shaanxi launched the action of model workers to help develop new quality productivity

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2024-05-27 07:44

Original title: Shaanxi launched the action of model workers to help develop new quality productivity

CAMCE News (Workers' Daily - Mao Rongxi, a reporter of CAMCE) Recently, Shaanxi model workers helped develop new quality productivity in Baoji Petroleum Machinery Co., Ltd. of China National Petroleum Corporation.

It is reported that this action focuses on the "four actions" of model workers and craftsmen, enterprise promotion, innovation, and rural travel, to educate and guide employees to actively embrace and participate in the development of new quality productivity; Widely set up model workers' service teams to send technology, training and services to enterprises, promote workers to improve their skills, help enterprises solve problems and optimize management; Create a batch of innovative studios for model workers and craftsmen. By the end of 2026, the creation rate of first-line model workers and craftsmen innovative studios in the province will reach about 80%; Carry out rural economic guidance services, provide modern agricultural technology support, and create a model worker demonstration base for rural revitalization. This action aims to build a platform path between Shaanxi's 10000 model workers and the development of new quality productivity, help enterprises improve quality and efficiency, encourage employees to innovate and create efficiency, preach effective empathy in education, and achieve results in rural revitalization.

At the launching ceremony, Wang Jun, the executive vice chairman of Shaanxi Federation of Trade Unions, presented the flag to 8 representatives of the service team of model workers and craftsmen, including the senior technician of the Fifth Engineering Co., Ltd. of China Railway First Bureau Group, the national model worker, and Bai Zhiyong, a craftsman of Sanqin. Baoji Topda Titanium Industry Co., Ltd. and other four enterprises formed service pairs with four model workers, including a craftsman from a big country, a craftsman from Sanqin, and Liu Xiangbin, chief technician of Shaanxi Aerospace Times Navigation Company.

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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