Zhonggong Entertainment

Gather the positive energy of the network and spread the truth, goodness and beauty

Source: People's Network
2024-05-23 10:02

Original title: Gather the positive energy of the network and spread the truth, the good and the beautiful

Transmit the positive energy of the network, spread the truth, goodness and beauty, strengthen the construction of network civilization, and build a beautiful spiritual home together.

Recently, the 2023 China Positive Energy Network Classic Collection Exhibition Activity was announced, and 550 selected network positive energy boutique works, from written language to audio-visual language, from ordinary heroes to role models of the times, not only reflected the grand narrative of the changes of the times, but also brought together ordinary people to fight together, help each other and love each other. A series of excellent works concentrated on showing the deep goodwill of Chinese society, It reflects the prosperity of China's social development.

At present, the network has become the most important platform for people to obtain information and exchange ideas. However, with the explosive growth of information and the wide application of cyberspace, online rumors, online fraud, online information leakage, online invasion of personal privacy, online pornography, gambling, drugs, online violence and other chaos still occur from time to time, directly damaging the legitimate rights and interests of the people. Therefore, it is particularly important to spread positive energy through the Internet, encourage more good deeds and gather social goodwill.

The network positive energy works selected this time are not only the affirmation of the creators, but also the call and response to social goodwill. Through true stories and moving plots, these works convey positive values and humanistic care, and have aroused widespread resonance. We can see empathy from the "K396 Train Attendant Choking to Comfort Passengers...", from the "Praise on the Whole Network! It's too brave to leap on the Qiantang River, Hangzhou's youngest brother", to see responsibility, and from the "Youth Workbook" for young people in tune to see dedication. The kindness in these works is not only limited to individual behavior, but also reflects the care and help of the whole society. And the creative subject covers all fields and levels regardless of age and occupation. They show people's kindness and sincerity, stimulate people's deep sympathy and emotion for a better society, and further encourage more people to actively participate in social welfare undertakings.

Positive energy network works quickly reach everyone's heart through the network, stimulate netizens' participation, and spread to every corner. For example, the persistence of ordinary people and the "good deeds" that do not stop until they reach their goals, such as "To Youth" in the Garrison Couple Police Office "," The Alarm Reboot! Your story, I will continue! ", have moved the audience in front of small screens, but also brought forward momentum and confidence. It is precisely because of this power of widespread communication that these positive online works have greater social influence and lead social progress.

Taking the opportunity of the collection and exhibition of China's positive energy network boutiques, let these works continue to ferment, and then let the positive energy's "good deeds" become seeds to take root in more people's hearts, spread branches and spread leaves to convey "good will", which requires us to persevere in promoting and inheriting. No matter how the media form evolves, high-quality content will always be the "hard currency" in the public opinion field. The whole society should take action to provide a better environment and support for the creation, dissemination and promotion of more online positive energy boutiques.

The 2023 China Positive Energy Network boutique collection and broadcasting activity has selected boutiques for us and set an example. In the future, let's work together to spread more positive energy in cyberspace, encourage more good deeds, and gather social goodwill, so that each of us can become a communicator and practitioner of positive energy in cyberspace, and contribute our own efforts to jointly write a new chapter of Chinese modernization. (Wang Caoqun)

Editor in charge: Zhang Weining

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