Zhonggong Entertainment

The algorithm sets up a cultural tourism show to make more small towns "seen"

Source: Beijing Youth Daily
2024-05-23 09:51

Original title: Algorithm takes the stage of cultural tourism to make more small cities "seen"

After Zibo in Shandong Province and Tianshui in Gansu Province, Zhengding in Hebei Province became popular because of the small commodity night market. It is reported that the night market was founded in 2012 and currently has more than 600 stalls. Tourists can taste the traditional food with Zhengding characteristics, as well as the signature food all over the country. Topics such as "Zhengding Night Market is booming" and "How delicious is Zhengding Night Market in Shijiazhuang" have been on the hot list of dithering. Online attention has also attracted tourists from all over the world to go offline. Short videos and live broadcasts have driven Zhengding's tourism boom.

"If you want to plant flowers, you don't want to plant willows." Every place hopes to usher in "Splendid Wealth", but after much effort, you often fail to achieve results. Is the cultural tourism out of the circle full of surprises and uncertainties? Is there a "password" under the tide of traffic? Is there any other rule hidden behind the seemingly random and irregular?

Law has no fixed law, and Tao has no constant law. Everything is changing, but through the complicated appearances, we can also summarize some laws and principles. Zibo, Tianshui and Zhengding have become popular one after another, seemingly accidental, but in fact they have their underlying logic. Food is the most important thing for the people. Everyone has the original memory of food in their subconscious. As long as they can successfully arouse the taste buds of diners, the public will naturally go around and tell each other.

In the era of "Internet+", the emergence of these three places is inseparable from the efficient and accurate recommendation of algorithms. The algorithm recommendation, technology support and netizen grass planting behind social short videos and other platforms have contributed a lot to the success of the small town.

It is not difficult to find the same starting point for many cultural and tourism cities to regain their popularity: either a dithering netizen posted a particularly interesting travel notes and strategies, or an online celebrity blogger recommended amazing food, or the comment area played a hot spot with "magic communication power"... The algorithm saw the interest and love of ordinary people, In a short period of time, a new center was formed, and the town stood out.

In the past, a place may need a lot of accumulation and opportunities to get out of the circle. However, through social media, the long process that used to take years to brew has been condensed into a period of time, even a moment. The algorithm recommendation makes the information flow faster, and also makes the fireworks in small places seen by more people.

Liu Jiewu, a scholar of culture and tourism, summed up the communication rules of online celebrity cities through careful research, namely, novelty, image, substitution and pleasing the community. In his view, only when the city image communication conforms to these four points, can it have the potential to become popular. The short video itself has a strong sense of image and substitution. The algorithm recommendation of the platform can also achieve accurate matching for the interesting groups, which can be said to fit the propagation rules of online popular cities. Cities with potential for popularity are "seen", which naturally becomes a probability event. The food, beauty, culture, museum, intangible cultural heritage, night market, etc. of the small town are seen by more people. The county and countryside, based on the good scenery, rely on folk culture, food, home stay, etc., to attract many netizens to plant grass and clock in.

Algorithms are playing an increasingly important role in promoting the popularity of cultural tourism in small cities. On the one hand, through data analysis and user portraits, key information such as tourists' interest points, consumption habits and tourism preferences can be found to help the small city cultural tourism industry better understand the market demand and develop more accurate marketing strategies, such as launching characteristic tourism routes and providing personalized tourism experience. On the other hand, the algorithm can also accurately recommend the tourism resources and featured products of small cities to more potential tourists through intelligent recommendation technology, expand the popularity and influence of cultural tourism industry in small and large cities, attract more tourists to explore and experience, and promote the rapid development of cultural tourism industry in small cities.

There are many stories in small towns. The algorithm takes us to mine and see more "small and beautiful". Of course, algorithm recommendation is just a boost, not a panacea. With the establishment of algorithms and the singing of cultural tourism, only by practicing hard internal skills, making constant self breakthroughs and improving the quality of tourism can we always "get out of the circle". Hu Xinhong

Editor in charge: Zhang Weining

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