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Ningbo, Zhejiang sets up a business environment complaint and supervision center to resolve disputes involving enterprises in a "one-stop" manner

Source: People's Daily
2024-05-23 10:16

Original title: Ningbo, Zhejiang, set up a business environment complaint and supervision center (quotation)

"One stop" resolution of enterprise related conflicts and disputes (theme)

People's Daily reporter Zhang Cong

"The parking problem has been solved, and the 'big stone' in our mind has finally been put down." Not long ago, a shopkeeper said gratefully in a return visit evaluation conducted by the Business Environment Complaints Supervision Center in Fenghua District, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province.

Previously, the owners of more than 10 shops along the street of a business district square in Fenghua complained to the Ningbo Business Environment Complaints and Supervision Center, saying that the business operation of the shops was seriously affected because the parking space at the entrance of the shops was not properly planned. After preliminary verification of the authenticity of the complaint, the complaint clue was immediately transferred to Fenghua District Business Environment Complaints Supervision Center for processing.

Fenghua District Business Environmental Complaints Supervision Center went to the site together with relevant departments, and carried out several demonstrations to listen to the views of businesses, consumers, traffic police and other parties. After multi department consultation, it was decided to add temporary parking spaces in corresponding sections according to the demonstration scheme, and strengthen traffic management in this section. Relevant departments also planned new temporary import and export to further eliminate potential safety hazards. Today, the pedestrian and vehicle traffic is in good order, and the shops on the street are operating with ease.

In September 2021, Ningbo Innovation set up the Business Environment Complaints and Supervision Center. "The center is jointly operated by three units, namely, the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Municipal Procuratorate and the Municipal Bureau of Justice, and the daily work is in the charge of the Municipal Procuratorate." Lv Haiqing, head of Ningbo Business Environment Complaints Supervision Center and deputy chief procurator of the Municipal People's Procuratorate, said that the center has created a complaint supervision mechanism of "one-stop dispute resolution, case-based handling, legal supervision, and case like governance", Guide the timely and efficient resolution of enterprise related conflicts and disputes on the track of rule of law, and comprehensively protect the legitimate rights and interests of business entities. Over the past two years, the Center has handled 719 complaints substantively, helped enterprises recover 1.21 billion yuan of economic losses, revitalized 390 million yuan of assets, and helped one enterprise successfully go public. It has solved problems such as improper restrictions on competition by government departments and unreasonable coercive measures taken by judicial authorities.

"In order to protect the complainants, we have implemented seven systems and mechanisms, including confidentiality of complaints, complaints on behalf of chambers of commerce or industry associations, to dispel the concerns of business entities." Lv Haiqing said, for example, when the Business Environmental Complaints Supervision Center transfers matters to the department complained of, it will conduct technical processing on the relevant information of the complainants, and the results will be fed back to the complainants by the Center, The complainant does not directly contact the department complained of; If the business entity is inconvenient to complain or the problems reflected are universal, the chamber of commerce or industry association can complain on its behalf.

Today, the Business Environmental Complaints and Supervision Center has taken root in all districts (counties and cities) of Ningbo.

Driven by the "camping craze" in recent years, camping lights have become increasingly popular, and related infringement disputes have also followed. Ningbo Ninghai County Business Environmental Complaints and Supervision Center received a complaint call from Feng Moumou, the head of a company: "The camping lamp I designed was falsely used by other unauthorized companies."

Ninghai County Business Environmental Complaints Supervision Center quickly diverted the clues to the county market supervision bureau and the county procuratorate. Although the dispute finally ended in a settlement between a company and the infringer, the Ninghai County Procuratorate, together with the County Market Supervision Bureau, issued relevant documents to establish a mechanism for co construction of intellectual property protection platforms, information sharing, and dispute resolution, and actively guide relevant enterprises to strengthen their awareness of intellectual property protection.

"The Center for Business Environmental Complaints and Supervision has also established a joint conference mechanism for complaints and supervision, integrated the power to handle conflicts and disputes, and made the handling of complaints and supervision cases more professional and the results more fair." Lv Haiqing said that the Center has effectively improved the "lack of access" when the rights and interests of enterprises are infringed by setting up a unified complaints and supervision platform throughout the city and collecting business environmental complaints through multiple channels "Can't find the door" and other problems.

Editor in charge: Yu Xiaoshu

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