Zhonggong Entertainment

Harmony: strengthen tourism cooperation and help "San Francisco Vision" become a reality

Source: People's Daily
2024-05-23 07:45

Original title: strengthen tourism cooperation and help "San Francisco Vision" become a reality

China and the United States should draw inspiration from the past, take harmony as the most valuable, stability as the most important, and trust as the foundation of civil friendship, explore the strength of people's friendship, and help the "San Francisco Vision" become a reality

On May 22, President Xi Jinping sent a letter to the opening of the 14th China US High level Dialogue on Tourism. President Xi Jinping stressed that he hoped that all sectors of the two countries could take this high-level dialogue as an opportunity to deepen exchanges, build consensus, take positive action, promote personnel exchanges through tourism cooperation, continue China US friendship through people to people and cultural exchanges, and help the "San Francisco Vision" become a reality. President Xi Jinping's letter fully reflects the great importance he attaches to China US relations, expresses his ardent expectations for deepening China US tourism cooperation, clarifies the importance of tourism cooperation in promoting the stable, healthy and sustainable development of China US relations, and points out the direction for the two countries to strengthen tourism cooperation and close people to people and cultural exchanges in the future.

To succeed in any great cause, we must find a foundation among the people, gather strength from the people, and let the people work together to accomplish it. China US friendship is such a great cause. President Xi Jinping has repeatedly stressed the importance of strengthening people to people friendship and people to people and cultural exchanges for the development of bilateral relations, and has had many sincere interactions with people from all walks of life in the United States to promote the continuation of a new chapter of China US people to people friendship. In November last year, the Chinese and US dollar leaders met in San Francisco, opening the "San Francisco Vision" for the future, and putting forward five pillars: jointly establishing a correct understanding, jointly and effectively managing differences, jointly promoting mutually beneficial cooperation, jointly assuming the responsibility of major countries, and jointly promoting people to people and cultural exchanges. These are the four beams and eight pillars that should form the building of Sino US relations.

Tourism is an important bridge for the people of China and the United States to communicate and know each other. Both China and the United States have splendid cultures and beautiful scenery, and both peoples have a strong desire to deepen understanding and enhance friendship. For some time, the Chinese and American teams have promoted the implementation of the consensus reached by the two heads of state at the San Francisco meeting. The dialogue, cooperation and positive aspects between the two sides in various fields have increased, and the Sino US relations have stabilized. Over the past five years, China has invited 50000 American teenagers to China for exchange and study. The exchanges between people from all walks of life in the two countries have increased, which has promoted the people of the two countries to deepen understanding and know each other closely. China and the United States are two big countries with different histories, cultures, social systems and development paths. Strengthening dialogue and communication between the two sides, promoting friendly exchanges among people from all walks of life, and building more bridges for mutual understanding will help eliminate unnecessary misunderstandings and prejudices. Expanding China US tourism cooperation will help promote exchanges and cooperation between the Chinese and American people, and build consensus for the stable, healthy and sustainable development of China US relations.

As President Xi Jinping pointed out in his letter, the foundation of China US relations is poured by the people, the door of China US relations is opened by the people, the story of China US relations is written by the people, and the future of China US relations will also be created by the two peoples. No matter how the situation changes, the historical logic of peaceful coexistence between China and the United States will not change, the fundamental aspirations of the two peoples for exchanges and cooperation will not change, and the common expectations of the people of the world for the stable development of China US relations will not change. China and the United States should comply with the expectations of the people of the two countries and the world, and take practical measures to promote people to people and cultural exchanges through strengthening tourism cooperation. The two countries should build more bridges and pave more roads for people to people exchanges. China warmly welcomes tourists from all over the world, including American tourists, to China, and will strive to improve the level of convenience for foreigners to travel, work and live in China. China is willing to work with the United States to introduce more measures to facilitate personnel exchanges and promote people to people and cultural exchanges, and also hopes that the United States and China will meet each other, further increase direct flights between the two countries, adjust travel reminders to China as soon as possible, facilitate Chinese citizens to apply for visas to the United States, and create better conditions for mutual visits between tourists from both countries. More people of the two countries move around, come and go, and communicate more, which will continue to write more stories about the friendship between the Chinese and American people in the new era.

This year marks the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States. China and the United States should learn from the past. We should put peace first, stability first, and trust first. We should plant a solid foundation for people to people friendship, explore the strength of people to people friendship, and help the "San Francisco Vision" become a reality, so that China US relations can truly stabilize, improve, and move forward, and inject more stability into the world.

Editor in charge: Zhang Weining

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