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Work side by side with the couriers and really feel their hard work——

Keeping a diary | Salute to the express delivery man who is racing against the clock

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2024-05-23 07:49

[squatting diary]

Original title: Work side by side with couriers and truly experience their hard work - (introduction)

Pay tribute to the express courier who is racing against the clock (theme)

Feng Yong

April 30 Tuesday sunny

On the eve of the "May Day" International Labor Day, the Jingdong Task Force of the All China Federation of Trade Unions held a party day activity themed "One Day Express", to experience the daily life of express delivery workers and understand their "anxieties and anxieties" with national model workers, Song Xuewen, the representative of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and front-line express delivery workers.

With the twilight in the morning, we came to the business department of Jingdong Express Beijing Yizhuang Intelligent Distribution Center with excitement. When most people are still asleep, it is already a scene full of enthusiasm here. Express parcels are pouring in like a tide, and the couriers are busy and orderly sorting the parcels carefully and packing the vehicles. Beijing, which had just rained, was still a bit cool, but the sweat of the courier had already soaked his back.

Before going on duty, Song Xuewen gave us a pre job training, explaining the workflow of sorting express delivery, information entry, receiving express delivery, loading and dispatching, the basic etiquette and precautions for communicating with customers, and how to plan routes and delivery sequences. We can't help sighing that express delivery is also a technical activity.

Then, we paired up with experienced couriers in two groups to deliver express goods to industrial parks and residential communities. My partner, Xiao Chong, who was born in 1998, is responsible for delivering goods to two residential areas. Climbing stairs, knocking at the door, delivering goods... After several trips, I was panting, while Xiao Chong walked lightly, always smiling. He told me that he has been used to such a work rhythm, although hard but very substantial.

During the break, Xiao Chong shared with me some interesting things about his work. From his story, I feel his love and sense of responsibility for this job. After three hours of tight delivery, we delivered more than 100 pieces of express delivery. During this period, I really realized the hard work of climbing up and down the stairs and the work rhythm of racing against the clock. At the same time, I also admire those couriers who pay silently.

Although the courier is in an ordinary position, he is an indispensable force in the operation of the city. Through face-to-face talks and working side by side with the couriers, I won their trust, brought them closer, and fully understood their living conditions and demands and suggestions. I will bring this experience and understanding to work and contribute my own strength to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers in the new employment form.

(Author's unit: General Organization Department)

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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