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Multidimensional data outlines the vitality of China's high-quality development "striding forward"

Source: CCTV Network
2024-05-22 22:14

Original title: Multidimensional Data Outline Vigorous "Picture" China's high-quality development "Strides forward"

CCTV news: On May 22, News Network reported the new progress and achievements in China's transport industry, machinery industry, agriculture, foreign trade, energy, science and technology, ecology and other fields. It can be seen that all walks of life have accumulated momentum and energy for high-quality development. China's economy has both a stable foundation and a driving force for progress. The future is promising.

Accelerate the construction of modern railway infrastructure system and stimulate consumption vitality

Since this year, China Railway Group has promoted the construction of key railway projects in high quality. In the first four months, the investment in fixed assets has continued to grow, and the construction of a modern railway infrastructure system has been accelerated to effectively meet the travel needs of passengers and stimulate consumption vitality.

Data shows that from January to April this year, the fixed asset investment of national railways was 184.9 billion yuan, up 10.5% year on year.

A number of key projects under construction in the "14th Five Year Plan" have achieved phased results. The expansion and reconstruction project of the Xinjiang section of Geku Railway has been successfully carried out. The Lanzhou Zhangjiakou high-speed railway Lanzhou Wuwei section has started joint commissioning and test, and the Chizhou Huangshan high-speed railway has been officially put into operation.

In order to adapt to the trend of sustained economic recovery, the national railways increased the supply of transport capacity. From January to April, 10483 passenger trains were operated daily, up 13.8% year on year. In addition to meeting the demand of domestic passengers for centralized travel on New Year's Day, Spring Festival and Tomb Sweeping Day holidays, cross-border passenger trains will be added. The international passenger train from Hohhot to Ulaanbaatar resumed operation, and the cross-border passengers sent by the Guangzhou Shenzhen Hong Kong high-speed railway increased 106.3% year on year.

From January to April, China's railways sent 1.37 billion passengers, up 22.9% year on year. The passenger flow continued to grow steadily, effectively stimulating the vitality of market consumption.

Several measures to facilitate international cruise ships to dock in our ports for replenishment

The reporter learned from the regular policy briefing held by the Information Office of the State Council on May 22 that the Provisions on the Replenishment of International Cruise Lines at the Ports of the People's Republic of China will be implemented from June 1 this year, which clarifies the shipping channels and system specifications for drugs, medical equipment, duty-free tobacco products and other materials, and proposes a number of customs clearance facilitation measures, International cruise ships are encouraged to dock at Chinese ports for replenishment.

"Silk Road Maritime Transport" Opens the Multimodal Transport Channel of GCC Countries

On May 22, the "Silk Road Maritime" smart container loaded with auto parts was loaded onto the ship and set out from Xiamen to Saudi Arabia. This marks the normalization of the first multimodal transport channel of "Silk Road Maritime Transport" to GCC countries. Each TEU of the new channel can save 1400 yuan of freight and reduce the total logistics cost by nearly 25%.

More than 50000 passenger trains have been operated in China Laos Railway

On May 22, the reporter learned from Kunming Railway Bureau of China Railway that as of May 21, China Laos Railway had run 50187 passenger trains in total, carrying more than 34.05 million passengers. At present, according to the dynamic analysis of the big data of passenger ticket pre-sale and alternate ticket purchase, the railway department has realized "one map for one day" for the running trains of China Laos Railway, which has improved the supply of transport capacity.

Growth, growth, or growth The operation of the machinery industry will be further stable and better

The reporter learned from the China Machinery Industry Federation that in April, the added value of the five major sectors of the national economy involved in China's machinery industry maintained year-on-year growth, and the growth rate was accelerated to varying degrees compared with that in March. From January to April this year, the general equipment manufacturing industry, special equipment manufacturing industry, automobile manufacturing industry, electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing industry and other industries showed different degrees of growth. Among them, the added value of the automobile manufacturing industry increased by 11.3% year on year, significantly higher than that of other industries. In addition, 56% of the 122 major mechanical products under key monitoring achieved year-on-year growth in cumulative output from January to April.

The China Machinery Industry Federation said that as the central and local governments actively promote large-scale equipment renewal and the implementation of the consumer goods trade in action plan, the market demand for machinery products will continue to improve, and the industry operation will be further stable and good.

2024 National SME Service Month Activity Held in June

The reporter learned from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology that the 2024 National SME Service Month will be held in June. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will guide the competent departments and service institutions of small and medium-sized enterprises at all levels to carry out 34 service activities such as market expansion, talent introduction and education, and digital empowerment for key groups such as technology-based and innovative small and medium-sized enterprises, so as to resolve the pain points and difficulties in the operation of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Three major grain crops and two agricultural insurance policies are fully implemented in the country

The Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and the General Administration of Financial Supervision jointly issued a notice that from this year, the full cost insurance and planting income insurance policies for three major grain crops, rice, wheat, and corn, will be fully implemented nationwide.

The full cost insurance level covers the total agricultural production costs such as materialized costs, land costs and labor costs; The level of planting income insurance reflects the price and output of agricultural products, covering agricultural planting income.

In principle, the level of two kinds of insurance coverage shall not be higher than 80% of the output value of corresponding varieties.

The notice stipulates that the proportion of insurance premium subsidy shall be no less than 25% of the provincial financial premium subsidy, and the central finance shall subsidize 45% of the central and western regions and northeast regions, and 35% of the eastern regions.

In the first four months of this year, the total import and export value of Beijing Tianjin Hebei region exceeded 1.6 trillion yuan

The reporter learned from Beijing Customs that in the first four months of this year, the total value of foreign trade import and export in Beijing Tianjin Hebei region reached 1.69 trillion yuan, a record high in the same period of history, with a year-on-year growth of 5.2%, accounting for 12.3% of the total value of import and export in China. Beijing continues to play a leading role, and regional foreign trade accounts for 72.6% of the total foreign trade value of Beijing Tianjin Hebei.

Zhangzhou LNG Terminal was officially put into operation

Reporters learned from the national pipeline network on May 22 that the key project of national gas storage capacity construction - Zhangzhou LNG Terminal was officially put into operation. The terminal has built three 160000m3 LNG storage tanks, which can export 180000000m3 of natural gas every day. It is estimated that more than 3 million tons of liquefied natural gas can be supplied to Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan and other provinces every year, equivalent to about 4.2 billion cubic meters of natural gas, to meet the demand of 13 million households for one year.

Preparations for the 20th ICIF

The 20th ICIF is about to open, and all work has been ready. In Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center, the reporter saw that the staff carefully checked the details of each booth to prepare for the development.

The main venue of this ICIF will have eight pavilions, with an exhibition area of 160000 square meters. More than 120000 cultural products will be displayed, and more than 4000 cultural industry investment and financing projects will be displayed and traded on site.

Release of group standard of Technical Requirements for Takeoff and Landing Site of Electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing Aircraft

On May 22, CAAC issued the group standard of Technical Requirements for Takeoff and Landing Sites of Electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing Aircraft. This is China's first technical standard for the construction of relevant takeoff and landing points for electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft, including UAVs and Airbus. The standard clearly explains the site selection of takeoff and landing points, obstacle restrictions, structural design, etc.

Chinese scientific research team breaks through the bottleneck of micro size drive to develop "insect" robot

The scientific research team of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics has made new breakthroughs in micro power technology for 15 years, developed a bionic "insect" robot, and realized off-line controllable crawling of 2cm micro size. The "insect" robot is driven by electromagnetic vibration, and its forelimbs can vibrate 200 times per second to move forward and turn. It is understood that the successful research and development of micro power technology is expected to promote the development and application of micro robots, assist in post disaster search and rescue, facility damage detection, etc.

China will launch the pilot project of municipal waste classification at county level

The reporter learned from the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development on May 22 that the garbage classification coverage rate of residential quarters in cities at prefecture level and above has reached 92.6%. In the next step, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development will select 15 county-level cities to carry out the pilot project of urban waste classification at the county level, and strive to explore a simple and feasible waste classification model for county-level cities in different regions in two years.

The population and quantity of North China leopard in China have gradually recovered

In recent years, with China's increasing efforts to protect the ecological environment, the population of North China leopard has gradually recovered, and there are stable populations in Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia and other places. At the same time, according to the monitoring, the habitat of the North China leopard population is also expanding, and the latest images of the North China leopard have been found in many places.

Editor in charge: Wang Tianyue

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