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Inspiration from "190000 Hidden Dangers Found by the Masses" in the Worker's Daily editorial

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2024-04-17 07:15

[Editorial Review of Workers' Daily]

Original title: Inspiration from "the masses found 190000 hidden dangers"

Worker's Daily - commentator of China Industrial Network Wu Di

Let the mass supervision become the "infrastructure" of the safety production risk early warning mechanism, give full play to the "searchlight" role of the mass supervision, continue to resolve safety risks, safeguard the peace of the people on one side, and ultimately benefit all the people in the whole society.

"The 190000 reported and verified cases last year were not mastered by us and relevant departments at ordinary times. It can be said that the masses helped us solve 190000 outstanding problems and hidden dangers" - According to the report on April 12 on the Pengpai News Network, the Emergency Management Department recently held a press conference to introduce the key work related to safety production, and the responsible person pointed out that, Mobilizing the masses to report is an important measure of the three-year action to tackle the root causes of work safety. Last year, 190000 problems and hidden dangers reported by the masses were verified, and the verification rate reached 54.6%. The mass reporting has created "six new highs": high number of reports, high hidden dangers, high accidents, high illegal acts, high bonus funds for reports, and high number of reports verified. It is hoped that all regions and departments will make good use of this means to enable the masses to promote the development of work safety.

As the netizen said in the post, "even if the accident probability is only 1/10000, the consequences that these 190000 hidden dangers may lead to are heavy enough". The investigation and verification of 190000 clues of problems not grasped by relevant departments reflects the remarkable effect of the masses' participation in the supervision of work safety, and also shows that the masses' reporting of hidden dangers has played a positive role in extending the scope of supervision.

In fact, it is difficult to find some potential safety hazards without the public reporting. For example, the person in charge of the enterprise deleted the monitoring video for the purpose of concealing the mining accident, the special operators were not trained and qualified to work, the lawbreakers stored dangerous chemicals in residential areas, and illegally produced fireworks and firecrackers in remote orchards in rural areas, etc.

The eyes of the masses are bright. There are many problems and hidden dangers in the field of work safety. It is necessary to encourage the masses to act as the "radar" for safety risk detection and report problems and hidden dangers to improve the efficiency of supervision and governance.

The minimum cost of resolving safety risks is to take the initiative to identify potential problems, and mobilizing mass supervision is an important part of promoting safety production. To this end, we should first add to the reporting channels and subtract from the reporting difficulty, so that more people know that "there are channels for reporting". In 2022, the Emergency Management Department developed the "Work Safety Reporting System" and launched the WeChat reporting applet. In that year, more than 210000 reports were received from the masses, and more than 130000 were verified. Last year, the data jumped to 190000. It can be seen that online reporting channels such as mobile phone applets are playing an important role.

Secondly, we should ensure the safety of informants. The willingness of the masses to report security risks on their own initiative is a hope to solve the problem. At the same time, it is also an important prerequisite that they do not have to worry about retaliation for the leakage of personal information. To this end, the relevant departments have established a system for receiving and transferring reports, verifying feedback, and protecting informants' information. In practice, when complaints and reporting clues can be "responded to every case", and when the identity information of the whistleblower can be strictly protected, more people will be motivated to report security risks boldly.

In addition, give play to the incentive role of rewards. Under the general background of "everyone talks about safety", relevant departments investigate and implement reporting clues, and give certain rewards to the informants after verification, which has effectively played an obvious incentive role and can mobilize more people to participate in the supervision.

In reality, many fields are actively advocating the masses to participate in the supervision and reporting of potential problems, and good results have been achieved. For example, in the field of food safety, market supervision departments in many places encourage insiders of enterprises or the public to report food safety violations, and reward the whistleblower a maximum of 1 million yuan after verification; In the field of transportation, local traffic management departments encourage people to "take photos" of illegal behaviors such as occupying emergency lanes and give rewards.

To make the model of mass governance go to the next level and mobilize the masses to participate in the comprehensive management of work safety, we need to further give play to the enthusiasm and initiative of the masses in supervision. For example, people are concerned about how to strictly protect informant information and other issues, which need more clear and effective measures from all parties. At the same time, the relevant departments should continue to deepen the safety education and training of the main principals of production and business units, improve the standard system for determining major accident hazards, and promote the integration of safety technology into daily management during the three-year action to tackle the root causes of safety in production.

Let the mass supervision become the "infrastructure" of the safety production risk early warning mechanism, give full play to the "searchlight" role of the mass supervision, continue to resolve safety risks, safeguard the peace of the people on one side, and ultimately benefit all the people in the whole society.

Editor in charge: queen

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