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Hunan Federation of Trade Unions held a training class to study and implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union

Source: China Industrial Network
2023-12-29 11:23

CAMCE News On December 21-22 and 26-27, the Hunan Federation of Trade Unions held two training courses in Shaoshan to study and implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union, implement the spirit of the Notice of the National Federation of Trade Unions on Carrying out the Rotation Training of the Spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union, and effectively improve the ability and quality of trade union cadres. Li Qingtang, head of the Asset Supervision and Management Department of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, gave lectures to the trainees.

The training course was closely centered on General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on the work of the working class and trade unions and the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union. In the training class, Li Qingtang gave a special lecture titled "Learning and Implementing the Spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union and Doing a Good Job in Trade Union Assets Work by Relying on the System", and from the in-depth study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on the working class and trade union work General Secretary Xi Jinping gave lectures on the spirit of the important speech and the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Trade Union of China, the series of requirements of the 18th National Congress of the Trade Union of China on doing a good job in trade union assets work, and the specific measures to learn and implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Trade Union of China during the collective talk with members of the new leadership of the All China Federation of Trade Unions.

The training course also invited relevant experts and scholars, closely following the daily business needs of trade unions, to carefully teach and study the "Xi Jinping's Excerpt on the Working Class and Trade Union Work", the current economic situation and work priorities, psychological counseling, international situation reports, diplomacy with the characteristics of big countries and other courses, with distinctive themes, rich content, diverse forms, and both theoretical guidance, There is also field practice; With both professional guidance and on-site answers, it aims to educate and guide trainees to have a deep understanding of the union work and the central task of the Party, so as to find the combination and entry point of the union work and vigorously promote the union work of the province to a new level.

The second training class was held on the 130th anniversary of the birth of Comrade Mao Zedong. During the training, participants went to the Bronze Statue Square of Comrade Mao Zedong to lay flower baskets, went to the exhibition hall of Shaoshan Irrigation Area, the exhibition hall of Mao Zedong's investigation of the peasant movement, and the memorial hall of Comrade Mao Zedong to carry out on-site teaching, and held a film viewing activity of the red film Fortress.

Liu Xiangling, member of the Party Leadership Group of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions and chairman of the Provincial Education Trade Union, presided over the opening ceremony of the second training class. More than 120 people participated in the training, including Song Zhengrong, Liu Zaiheng, Ma Hui, Liu Weimin, Fu Zheng, Zhang Huidong, Huang Kuailin, leaders of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, all cadres of the departments and offices of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, directly managed industrial trade unions, and members of the team of directly affiliated units.

(Huang Yaqun, full media reporter of Hunan Workers Daily)

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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