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Yangpu District of Shanghai held a conference to study and implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union

Source: Worker Daily Client
2023-12-23 14:58

Original title: Yangpu District, Shanghai held a conference to study and implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union

Worker's Daily - reporter Pei Longxiang from China Industrial Network

On December 20, Yangpu District of Shanghai held a conference to study and implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union. At the meeting, the collectives and individuals of Yangpu District who won the National, Municipal and District May Day Labor Awards in 2023 were commended. Huang Hong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Chairman of the Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions, and Xue Kan, Secretary of the Yangpu District Party Committee, attended the conference and delivered speeches.

The leaders present at the meeting presented awards to Zhang Xuan, the winner of the National May Day Labor Medal, and representatives of the winners of the Shanghai May Day Labor Medal, and jointly presented awards to the winners of the Shanghai May Day Labor Medal, representatives of the Shanghai Pioneer Workers, and representatives of the Yangpu District May Day Labor Medal and medal winners.

Successive advanced representatives of national and Shanghai model workers, representatives of the 2023 National and Shanghai May Day Labor Awards and Pioneer Workers, winners of the first Yangpu District May Day Labor Medal, collective representatives of certificates of award, main principals of district departments, streets, mass organizations, district owned enterprises' party organizations, grassroots trade union cadres, and staff representatives attended the meeting.

Editor in charge: Du Yawen

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