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Implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Labor Union | Fujian Labor Union: Build a Heart to Heart Bridge and Walk the Grassroots Road

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2023-10-30 07:28

[Implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Trade Union]

Original title: Fujian Trade Union Firmly Sets up the Distinctive Direction of Grasping Grassroots -- (Quote)

Set up a heart to heart bridge and walk well along the grassroots road. The Labor Union "Settle in the hearts of employees" (theme)

Worker's Daily - reporter Li Runzhao from China Industrial Network

"Inherit and promote the fine style of" four grassroots ", listen to the voice of the forefront, protect the rights and interests of the grassroots, and serve the broadest range of workers" "Trade union cadres at the grassroots level should not only" get involved ", but also" get involved "and" get involved "" build a heart to heart bridge, take a good grassroots road, and let the trade union "stay in the hearts of workers" "... For several days, The trade unions at all levels in Fujian conscientiously studied and implemented the spirit of the important speech made by General Secretary Xi Jinping during the collective talk with members of the new leadership of the Federation and the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union. The provincial trade union federation solicited the opinions of workers and grassroots trade union cadres on deepening the work of provincial trade union cadres at the grassroots level.

Look for innovative answers on the front line

In the evening, on the Shishi Xiangzhi Fishing Port, the largest fishing port in Fujian, hundreds of fishing boats returned. Fishermen gathered in front of the maritime shared worker's home built by the local trade union and many departments to sort out fishing goods and share the joy of harvest.

In the staff's home, the "one-stop" "Maple Bridge on the Sea" rights protection mechanism, the integration of government, maritime courts, trade unions and private forces, the establishment of a two-way support mechanism and a mediation agreement pre litigation judicial confirmation mechanism, successfully mediated 554 fishing and sea related labor relations disputes in the port, reached a mediation amount of nearly 80 million yuan, and achieved "little things do not go out of the ship, big things do not go out of the port", Let the fishing workers drifting on the sea enjoy the warmth of "mother family".

"Both the staff home and the 'Maple Bridge' in the park are time-honored brands meticulously created by the trade union. We should adhere to the brand awareness, promote brand building, and strive to make the old brand glow with new vitality." Looking at the staff home built in the special action of "the year of strengthening the county level trade unions", Zhu Rongliang, secretary of the Party Group and vice chairman of the Fujian Federation of Trade Unions, told reporters, Fujian trade union cadres are actively benchmarking, promoting the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union to be translated into new actions and new practices, adapting to the diverse, multi-level and multifaceted new needs and expectations of the majority of workers, focusing on new topics, new challenges and new missions faced by the old trade union brands, and conducting in-depth research at the grass-roots level, Go to the front line of labor to find ways and means to solve reform problems and promote brand upgrading.

"It is the voice of the Party that goes down to the grass-roots level, the style of work that comes out, the countermeasures that come together, and the foundation of development that is consolidated." In recent years, Fujian trade unions adhere to the systematic thinking and three-level linkage, and annually transfer trade union cadres in batches to form a working group of three cascades of provinces, cities, and counties, until the coverage is not wide enough, the work foundation is relatively weak Trade unions in villages and towns (sub districts) and development zones (industrial parks) with complex labor relations and prominent contradictions, and regional and industrial trade union federations below the county level have carried out intensive work, focusing on building an intensive work system of "four lower levels" to solve problems. In the past three years, the provincial, municipal and county trade unions have sent nearly 200 working groups of 1749 government officials to work at the grass-roots level. The "four grassroots" trade union has gradually become a characteristic brand of Fujian trade unions to transform the work style of the organs and follow the party's mass line in the new era.

Establish a link of ideas on the front line

In Xiangzhi Fishing Port, the integrated model worker propaganda group settled in the "Marine Microphone" live studio to publicize new ideas through short videos, teach new technologies through the network, and provide psychological assistance through the cloud; In the nearby Baogai Science and Technology Park in Shishi City, the "Joy XIN Station" built by the trade union has become a new window for the trade union organization to publicize the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Trade Union, and the "heart" position for the trade union cadres to get to know the thoughts, thoughts and expectations of the part-time workers.

"Develop the small program of" production allocation for odd jobs ", create a" cloud market for odd jobs ", serve 2000 enterprises, and provide recruitment information for more than 10000 workers" "carry out research on the labor force of odd jobs market, and use digital technology to" paint a picture "for odd jobs' employment groups" "promote model workers and trade union cadres' voice into the grassroots, and let new ideas enter the" heart station "" ... Wang Qingbo, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and executive vice chairman of Shishi Federation of Trade Unions, told reporters that in recent years, with the support of provincial and municipal federation of trade unions, local trade unions have actively integrated into the construction of "Party building+" neighborhood centers, implemented the "Double 15" project, promoted the relocation of outdoor labor service stations of trade unions to the front line, and built a combination of ideological guidance and trade union services at the front line of labor Global integration work pattern.

It is reported that the practical work method of "Four Lower Grassroots" deeply promoted by the Fujian Federation of Trade Unions requires trade unions at all levels to inherit and carry forward the fine style of "Four Lower Grassroots", implement the requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping to continue to deepen the reform and construction of trade unions, firmly establish a clear direction of focusing on the grass roots, consolidate the grass roots foundation, stimulate the vitality of the grass roots, and constantly enhance the leadership, organizational strength Service ability, follow the mass line of the Party in the new era, and try to convey the voice and warmth of the Party to the hearts of the staff and workers.

Passing the warmth of trade unions on the front line

The annual production capacity is 2 million tons, and a single production line can produce up to 160000 cans per hour, 45 cans per second... In Putian Binhai Industrial New Town, Fujian, Budweiser Xuejin Brewery, a low-carbon smart factory with the world's leading single production capacity, is not only busy brewing beer, but also busy "brewing happiness" for 1677 workers.

Help 63 employees' children to attend school nearby; Establish a system of mutual aid and assistance for employees, and promote the "dynamic zero clearing" of employees in difficulty; In five years, the company has achieved full coverage of staff's health care and recuperation... Zhu Yuanfeng, the chairman of the company's trade union, introduced that with the help of the trade union cadres, the company's trade union has actively promoted the construction of a "happy enterprise" in recent years, regularly solicited reasonable suggestions from employees, and handled a number of practical matters for employees every year.

This is also a microcosm of Putian Trade Union's establishment of a service mechanism for trade union cadres to promote the establishment of "happy enterprises".

According to the work requirements of Fujian Federation of Trade Unions at the grass-roots level, trade union cadres at the grass-roots level should not only "organize propaganda activities to effectively promote the ideological and political leadership of workers", "carry out investigation and research to promote the construction of grass-roots trade unions", but also "resolve risk contradictions, promote harmonious labor relations", "solve practical problems, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers". The Provincial Federation of Trade Unions insists on process tracking and closed-loop management, integrates all work before, during and after the squatting work, and formulates a "task list" to manage the whole process of the squatting work, so as to ensure that the squatting work is felt by the grassroots and satisfied by the employees.

This year marks the 35th anniversary of General Secretary Xi Jinping's proposal of "Four Grassroots". Zhu Rongliang said that the Fujian Trade Union will closely combine the inheritance and promotion of the fine style of "four lower grassroots" with the implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union, identify the breakthrough and focus of the work of the trade union from the voice of the front-line workers, and open up the "last mile" of serving the workers in the practice of going to the grassroots and approaching workers, We will work hard to do every practical thing that benefits people's livelihood and warms people's hearts.

Editor in charge: Liu Yingjie

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