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Municipal Bureau of Commerce went to Inspur Group to investigate e-commerce work

In order to further understand the situation of enterprises, strengthen exchanges and cooperation, and promote the high-quality development of e-commerce in Jinan, Li Xuzhi, a member of the Party Leadership Group of Jinan Municipal Bureau of Commerce, led a team to Inspur Group for research on June 5. Shan Zhen, Deputy General Manager of Inspur Zhuoshu Big Data Industry Development Co., Ltd., accompanied the survey.



The research team visited the exhibition hall of Inspur Group, focused on the business development of cloud services, big data, smart cities, smart enterprises, and listened carefully to the detailed introduction of the group leaders on Inspur business and data. It is understood that after years of business accumulation, Inspur has established a perfect digital government solution that meets the requirements of multi scenario applications, and has become a leading cloud computing and big data service provider in China.


At the symposium, the research group had a deep understanding of the operation of Inspur's outstanding big data business segment. The meeting focused on the development of e-commerce, and discussed in depth how to accurately and comprehensively provide big data cloud services and timely show the development of e-commerce in our city.