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[Xinyuan Business Center] | 301, Finished Product Workshop, No. 2, No. 45, Xinyuan Street, Jibei Street Office, Jiyang District, Jinan City

Jiyang - around Jiyang - Xinyuan Business Center

2024-07-03 10:00

Second beat

Starting price five hundred and fifty-five ten thousand

Evaluation price --


[Xinyuan Business Center] | 501, Finished Product Workshop, No. 1, No. 45, Xinyuan Street, Jibei Street Office, Jiyang District, Jinan City

Building area 3152.68 ㎡ | Jiyang - around Jiyang - Xinyuan Business Center

End at 10:00 on August 13, 2024

sell off

Current price seven hundred and eleven ten thousand

Evaluation price 12 million 690 thousand

44% lower than the evaluated price


[Xinyuan Business Center] | 401, Finished Product Workshop, No. 1, No. 45, Xinyuan Street, Jibei Street Office, Jiyang District, Jinan City

Building area 3152.68 ㎡ | Jiyang - around Jiyang - Xinyuan Business Center

End at 10:00 on August 13, 2024

sell off

Current price seven hundred and eleven ten thousand

Evaluation price 12 million 690 thousand

44% lower than the evaluated price


[Xinyuan Business Center] | 601, Finished Product Workshop, No. 1, No. 45, Xinyuan Street, Jibei Street Office, Jiyang District, Jinan City

Building area 3152.68 ㎡ | Jiyang - around Jiyang - Xinyuan Business Center

End at 10:00 on August 13, 2024

sell off

Current price six hundred and thirty-one ten thousand

Evaluation price 11 million 270 thousand

44% lower than the evaluated price
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