Fangtianxia > Jinan second-hand house > Second hand housing in the city > Second Ring South Road Lingxiucheng Section second-hand house > Luneng Manshan Fragrant Villa Lufu Second hand House

Shungeng Road+Tourism Road+Guohua Dongfangmeijun+Yuanxiang Valley+Tianma Xiangcheng+Yulong Bay+Independence


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Real estate developments are known in time

Excellent 9.5

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two thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight ten thousand

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6 rooms, 3 halls and 4 bathrooms
House type
built-up area
33195 yuan/m2
Unit Price
Entrance direction
Number of floors above ground (3 floors in total)
Decoration degree

Score: 3.5

phone Room chat
Housing source information
Architectural age 2020
Architectural form single building
Hall structure Overhang
Number of garages
Number of parking spaces
Listing time 2024-04-09
  • Core selling points
    Single family villa, open living room, 100 m2
    Enjoying prosperity and tranquility in the second ring road of the main city of the mountain top villa in Jinan
    The company and Jinmao Mansion Jade Grand View Vanke Jade Park Green Land IFC Vanke Haiyou Mansion Hisense Sage Family have a group purchase discount of 100000 new houses in Jinan. Tang Yejiu Tangfu Nine Mile Wanda Cultural Tourism City Consultation Phone Yongjing Peninsula Existing House Villa Single family villa discount of 1 million less
    A discount of 200000 yuan for mountain crossing by the lake
  • Owner mentality
    Sincerely sold, heartily replaced, sold, went to Zhangqiu to buy a villa, and bought it through me. The villa on the west of Xinshan Mountain is adjacent to Jingshi East Road, with a unit price of 9999. One flat is used to send 200 square meters of cars to the courtyard, three terraces, two terraces, and a total price of 3.75 million yuan. It's convenient for me to look at the house these two days. I have a key to look at the house, and call directly
  • Tax analysis
    This house is under the name of the owner. There is no other house property certificate in Jinan under the name of the owner. Five years ago, the mountaintop villa in Jinan. Enjoying prosperity and tranquility in the second ring road of the main city
  • Community supporting facilities
    Parking space, basement, property management, standard, conscientious, responsible, responsible, and responsible. Jinan's mountaintop villas, the second ring road of the main city, enjoy the busy and quiet consulting phone
  • Service introduction
    I have been engaged in real estate for many years, and the company has a large number of good houses. Welcome to my shop to check. Welcome to telephone consultation at any time. Believe in my profession, and help you secure your home.
Listing pictures
 Interior drawing
 Apartment layout diagram
Apartment layout diagram
 Interior drawing
 Interior drawing
 Interior drawing
 Cell correlation diagram
Realistic picture
 Cell correlation diagram
Realistic picture
 Cell correlation diagram
Realistic picture
Luneng Manshan Xiangshulufu Community Information
Reference average price forty thousand five hundred and seventy-five RMB/m2
Year on year ↑5.06%
Month on month ↓0.42%
Property type villa
Property expenses 2.36 yuan/m2 · month
Building type Western style house, row, double, overlapping
Term of property right seventy
Architectural age 2015
Greening rate 35%
Plot ratio one point five
Pedestrian and vehicle diversion nothing
Total number of buildings sixty-five
Total number of households four hundred and twenty

New listing priority notice

Current selection: Luneng Manshan Villa Lufu 40575 yuan/m2 subscribe
Community picture
Surrounding facilities
Chen Lei's Comments
Praise rate 100%
Authenticity five
Satisfaction five
Professionalism five
Please comment on his service Well received Neutral comment negative comment
Authenticity of house information
Satisfaction with service attitude
Professional level
Disclaimer: The source information is provided by the website user, and the authenticity and legitimacy of the information provider is responsible, and the final registration and filing by the government department shall prevail. This website does not declare or guarantee the correctness and reliability of the content. Please check carefully when purchasing the house. Admission is only based on historical experience, and no admission is promised here. Please do not pay any fees before signing the contract to avoid being cheated.