Jing Junhai and Fu Yuning, Chairman of China Resources Group, held a video discussion on the project

08:46, March 19, 2020 Source: Jilin Daily
Original title: Deepen investment cooperation and strive for greater results

In the afternoon of March 18, Jing Junhai, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and governor of the province, held a video discussion with Fu Yuning, chairman of China Resources Group, on the project of "one network with many places", to make in-depth planning, deepen docking and deepen cooperation, and promote more achievements.

Jing Junhai pointed out that China Resources Group is a well-known enterprise with international influence and has maintained a good cooperative relationship with Jilin Province for many years. At present, under the guidance of a series of important speeches and important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and through the unremitting efforts of the whole province, we have achieved phased results in the fight against the epidemic, and the comprehensive resumption of work, production and market is proceeding smoothly, and the construction of major projects has been launched in an orderly manner. It is hoped that China Resources Group and Jilin will work together to face the future, strengthen cooperation in electricity and gas, medicine and health, urban construction, beer production and other aspects, optimize investment layout, expand cooperation space, jointly promote a number of major projects, strive to form a larger amount of investment, and help the construction of gasification Jilin, smart Jilin, and healthy Jilin, Promote Jilin to build a regional industrial supporting, commodity distribution and logistics base in Northeast China and Northeast Asia.

Fu Yuning said that over the years, the cooperation between China Resources Group and Jilin Province has yielded fruitful results. We must continue to increase investment, plan to implement more projects, promote the accelerated construction of existing projects, ensure that they are put into operation as soon as possible, and help Jilin comprehensively revitalize.

During the negotiation, the responsible comrades of relevant departments and municipal (prefectural) governments made video connection with the responsible persons of various sectors of China Resources Group.

Zhang Zhijun, Vice Governor, Liu Xin, Mayor of Changchun City, Wang Zhihou, Secretary General of the Provincial Government, and Wang Xiangming, Director and General Manager of China Resources Group attended the video conference. (Reporter Huang Lu)

(Editor in charge: Wang Diyuan, Xie Long)