Ningjiang District, Songyuan City: Firmly Confidence in Seeking Development, Vigorously Carrying out New Initiatives  Jilin Vision | Dunhua: Strive to lead the way and write a new chapter of high-quality development  Jilin Hunchun: Work hard to start a new situation! Create a new highland of marine economy and opening up  Ji'nan Sight | Jilin Boat Camp: Strive for the upper reaches of the river through the waves  Jingyu: Vigorously Strive for Green Transformation  Jilin Ice and Snow Experimental Zone: Seize the opportunity, seize the momentum and strive to create a new situation of high-quality development of ice and snow economy

Ningjiang District, Songyuan City: Firmly Confidence in Seeking Development, Vigorously Carrying out New Development


Dunhua: Strive to lead the way and write a new chapter of high-quality development


Hunchun: Work hard to create a new situation! Create a new highland of marine economy and opening up


Jilin Boat Camp: Strive for the upper reaches of the river through the waves


Jingyu: Vigorously Strive for Green Transformation


Jilin Ice and Snow Experimental Zone: Seize the opportunity, seize the momentum and strive to create a new situation of high-quality development of ice and snow economy

Planner: Xie Long Special production: Wang Diyuan