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"Laser+Agriculture" Institute enterprise collaborative innovation docking exchange activity successfully held

It is the first time for our city to carry out the selection and employment of "industry professors" in colleges and universities

Recently, our city issued the Measures for the Selection and Employment of Industry Professors in Changchun (Trial) to organize the selection and employment of "industry professors" in Changchun. The first group of 50 "industry professors" are scientific and technological innovation, management and entrepreneurship talents from 48 scientific and technological enterprises in Changchun, and will be stationed in 15 long-term colleges and universities.

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 The special training on the new Company Law for high-tech SMEs in Changchun was successfully held The special training on the new Company Law for high-tech SMEs in Changchun was successfully held
 "Science and technology finance into the park" series activities "Science and technology finance into the park" series activities
 Mobilization meeting for learning financial knowledge Mobilization meeting for learning financial knowledge

Video presentation

Six Cities Linkage · Science and Technology Innovation City

Changchun, a national innovative city, was approved to build a national independent innovation demonstration zone in 2022, ranking first in the Northeast in the 2021 Natural Index - Scientific Research Cities. The number of "Jilin No.1" on orbit networking satellites reached 70, the number of high-tech enterprises reached 2286, and the growth rate ranked first in the sub provincial cities. It has 11 national key laboratories, 5 national engineering technology research centers, and 12 key universities and colleges have produced more than 17000 scientific and technological achievements. The talent introduction policy has been issued intensively, making it the only region in Northeast China with net talent inflow for five consecutive years. Industrial agglomeration, complete chain, building a city of industrial integration and technology, leading the high-quality development of the regional economy, and steadily increasing the annual GDP by more than 700 billion. Share development opportunities and create a better future!

Science and technology policy

 Policy Notice Policy Notice

trends in science and technology

2022 UNESCO Information for All Program (IFAP) series public welfare training will be held for a long time

Recently, the 2022 UNESCO "Information for All Program" (IFAP) series of public welfare training activities organized by Changchun Science and Technology Bureau were successfully held in Changchun Science and Technology Market.

The Municipal Science and Technology Bureau investigated the National Technology Transfer Northeast Center

In order to precisely help the high-quality development of science and technology enterprises in our city, Yu Bosheng, the director of Changchun Science and Technology Bureau, and Sun Hai, the deputy director of Changchun Science and Technology Bureau, led a delegation to the National Center for Technology Transfer in Northeast China on the morning of October 10.

The Municipal Science and Technology Bureau organized and held a training meeting on the confirmation and registration of technical contracts

In the afternoon of September 29, the Municipal Science and Technology Innovation Service Center assisted the Achievements and Regional Innovation Division of the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau and Changchun Science and Technology Market Co., Ltd. to hold the "Training Meeting on Technology Contract Recognition and Registration" in the hall on the first floor of Changchun Science and Technology Market. At the meeting, Comrade Chen Taifeng explained and answered questions for the personnel of technology transfer institutions attending the meeting on the laws, regulations and precautions related to the identification and registration of technology contracts.

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