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Elm Hotspot

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Overview of Elm

 Yushu City is located in the central north of Jilin Province, the hinterland of Songliao Plain, the beautiful and rich Songhua River, and the triangle regional center composed of Changchun, Harbin and Jilin. The city covers an area of 4712 square kilometers, with 390000 hectares of arable land. It has jurisdiction over Changchun Wukeshu Economic Development Zone and Yushu Huancheng Industrial Concentration Zone, two provincial-level development zones, 24 townships, 4 sub district offices and 388 administrative villages, with a total population of 1.308 million, including 1 million agricultural population. Since 2004, Yushu City has been rated as the "National Food Production Advanced County (City) Pacesetter" for more than ten consecutive years, and has been among the "Top 100 Small and Medium Cities with the Most Investment Potential in China" for 14 consecutive years. It has been rated as the "Most Happily City" for four consecutive years, and has been rated as the national agricultural demonstration standard demonstration city, advanced ecological civilization city, green livable city, and advanced cultural city. Yushu City is located in the central north of Jilin Province, the hinterland of Songliao Plain, the beautiful and rich Songhua River, and the triangle regional center composed of Changchun, Harbin and Jilin. The city covers an area of 4712 square kilometers, with 390000 hectares of arable land. It has jurisdiction over Changchun Wukeshu Economic Development Zone and Yushu Huancheng Industrial Concentration Zone, two provincial-level development zones, 24 townships, 4 sub district offices and 388 administrative villages, with a total population of 1.308 million, including 1 million agricultural population. Since 2004, Yushu City has been rated as the "National Food Production Advanced County (City) Pacesetter" for more than ten consecutive years, and has been among the "Top 100 Small and Medium Cities with the Most Investment Potential in China" for 14 consecutive years. It has been rated as the "Most Happy City" for four consecutive years, and has been rated as the national agricultural demonstration standard demonstration city, advanced ecological civilization city, green livable city, and advanced cultural city.

Elm rice

 Yushu City, located in the three golden corn belts in the world, is one of the key commodity grain base counties (cities) in China. It is rich in corn, soybeans, rice, sorghum, etc. Its commodity volume and commodity rate have ranked first in the country's counties (cities) for many consecutive years, becoming a veritable "No. 1 granary in the world", and its characteristic agriculture has also developed rapidly. The geographical indication of "Elm Rice" covers a total area of 900000 mu, with an annual output of 728000 tons. The rice is crystal clear, bright and smooth in color, with natural rice flavor. In 2009, it was registered by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce as a national high-quality geographical indication trademark of "Elm Rice". At the "2018 China First International Rice Festival", "Elm Rice" won the "2018 China Top Ten Rice Regional Public Brands" and was rated as "2018 China Top Ten Delicious Rice". Yushu City, located in the three golden corn belts in the world, is one of the key commodity grain base counties (cities) in China. It is rich in corn, soybeans, rice, sorghum, etc. Its commodity volume and commodity rate have ranked first in the country's counties (cities) for many consecutive years, becoming a veritable "No. 1 granary in the world", and its characteristic agriculture has also developed rapidly. The geographical indication of "Elm Rice" covers a total area of 900000 mu, with an annual output of 728000 tons. The rice is crystal clear, bright and smooth in color, with natural rice flavor. In 2009, it was registered by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce as a national high-quality geographical indication trademark of "Elm Rice". At the "2018 China First International Rice Festival", "Elm Rice" won the "2018 China Top Ten Rice Regional Public Brands" and was rated as "2018 China Top Ten Delicious Rice".

People's livelihood


People's livelihood


Impression Elm

Walk into Elm

 Yushu City is a new city full of vitality and great development potential. Since the reform and opening up, the city's comprehensive economic strength has been growing, urban construction has changed with each passing day, social undertakings have flourished, and people's lives have been constantly improved. In recent years, Yushu City has deeply implemented the development strategy of "one main, three lines and five bases" (that is, to build a regional central city of Harbin Great Wall City Group; to establish a city with agriculture, strong industry and prosperous service industry; to establish a national modern agricultural demonstration base, a national agricultural product processing base, a wine base in northern China (Yushu), a vegetable production base in northern China, and a modern trade and logistics base in northern China), Vigorously implement the "three-level project" of rural green level, economic level and urban level, and the economy and society have achieved steady and healthy development. Yushu City is a new city full of vitality and great development potential. Since the reform and opening up, the city's comprehensive economic strength has been growing, urban construction has changed with each passing day, social undertakings have flourished, and people's lives have been constantly improved. In recent years, Yushu City has deeply implemented the development strategy of "one main, three lines and five bases" (that is, to build a regional central city of Harbin Great Wall City Group; to establish a city with agriculture, strong industry and prosperous service industry; to establish a national modern agricultural demonstration base, a national agricultural product processing base, a wine base in northern China (Yushu), a vegetable production base in northern China, and a modern trade and logistics base in northern China), Vigorously implement the "three-level project" of rural green level, economic level and urban level, and the economy and society have achieved steady and healthy development.

Industrial foundation

Primary industry (planting and breeding): Yushu City is a major agricultural city (county) with rich resources of grain, agricultural and sideline livestock and poultry products. The planting industry is dominated by corn, rice and soybeans, with a total output of 3.233 million tons, 728000 tons and 30000 tons respectively. The breeding industry is dominated by cattle, pigs and birds, with an annual output of 216 thousand, 2.2 million and 68.21 million respectively. Secondary industry (processing industry): the processing industry of agricultural and sideline products in Yushu City accounts for three 80% of the whole industrial system (the number of enterprises, output value and profits and taxes). The basic position of corn chemical industry, bio pharmaceutical industry, liquor brewing industry, bean products industry, etc. has been formed, and the industrial chain is extending. At present, the industrial cluster is gradually growing and the characteristic industrial system is increasingly improved. Tertiary industry (commercial service industry): Due to the special geographical location of Elm, the radiation function of Changchun, Jilin and Harbin is weak, creating the characteristics of a self-contained commercial service industry. The market, supermarket, catering, accommodation, logistics, financial insurance, culture, education and health, e-commerce and other industries have developed rapidly. The pattern of "four business circles, six blocks" has been formed. The total retail sales of social goods is 17.6 billion yuan, and the marginal benefit is high.

Natural conditions

1、 Regional location Yushu City is located in 44 ° 30 ′ 57 ″ - 45 ° 15 ′ 02 ″ north latitude and 126 ° 01 ′ 44 ″ - 127 ° 05 ′ 09 ″ east longitude, 85 kilometers from north to south and from east to west, with a perimeter of 345 kilometers. It borders Wuchang City in Heilongjiang Province in the east and northeast, Shuangcheng City in Heilongjiang Province in the north and northwest, and is bounded by Lalin River; It borders Fuyu City in the west; The southwest faces Jiutai District of Changchun City and Dehui City across the Songhua River; It is adjacent to Shulan City in the south and southeast. 2、 Topography Yushu City belongs to alluvial proluvial lacustrine platform plain area. There are no mountains in the territory, the terrain is relatively flat, with slight undulations. The terrain is high in the southeast and low in the northwest, leaning from southeast to northwest. The southeast is higher than the southwest, and the west is higher than the middle, showing a slightly concave type. The average altitude is 157-220m. The highest place is around Huayuan Mountain in Tuqiao Town, with an altitude of 302 meters; The lowest place is under the ridge of No. 8 Town, 137.5 meters above sea level. The landform type is denudation accumulation landform. 3、 Climatic conditions Yushu City has a temperate continental monsoon climate, with an average annual sunshine of 2616.5 hours, a frost free period of about 135 days, and an average annual precipitation of about 580 mm. The autumn is mild and cool, and the winter is long and cold. The annual average temperature is 4 ℃. The high temperature occurs in July, and the low temperature occurs in January. The average temperature in January in winter is about - 18.4 ℃; The average temperature in July is about 22.64 ℃.

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