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Selected students' answering skills in line test

Selected student / Aerial survey 2023 Jilin selected students' travel survey data analysis: travel survey data analysis and examination point introduction - current average
In the examination of travel survey data analysis, most of the questions are not very difficult, such as the current average. Because of its close connection with life, low calculation difficulty, and easy to understand, it can also be well understood by the examinees who have just prepared for the exam through practice. What kind of method will the current average be examined? How can we solve such problems? Next, Zhonggong

Text label: Current average Data analysis Selective student test Selected students' answering skills in line test

Selected student / Aerial survey 2023 Jilin selected students' quantitative relationship in line test: key points to solve the age problem in line test quantitative relationship
In today's society, age anxiety has always been a common concern, but in fact, a calm attitude can offset this anxiety. How can we have a calm attitude? We only need to develop the concept that the age difference will always remain the same. Imagine that you and your little partner have grown by ten years together. Your pace is consistent, and the gap will not further widen

Text label: Age issues Mathematical operation Quantitative relation Selective student test Selected students' answering skills in line test

Selected student / Aerial survey 2023 Jilin selected students' speech understanding: the "good" and "bad" of the words used to fill in the blank should be identified
Today, Zhonggong Education will share with you a very important question type in speech comprehension and expression of line test - word selection and filling in the blank. On the whole, your accuracy rate is relatively low. If you want to get high marks, you must pay attention to this type of questions. One of the difficulties of this type of questions is the discrimination of options. If we don't have a deep understanding of words, we will make jokes. For example, we will say that we will take the consequences at our own risk rather than say "yes"

Text label: 2023 Jilin Selected Students Test Speech comprehension Banked Cloze Selected students' answering skills in line test Logical filling

Selected student / Aerial survey 2023 Jilin selected students' line test judgment reasoning: common logic errors in line test logic judgment similar structure
In the logic judgment evaluation type, the similar structure type is often tested, and the similar structure type has one way of asking: which is the most similar logical error and question stem made by the following options. This requires us to find the logic error in the question stem, and then compare the options to select the one most similar to the logic error in the question stem. The key to doing this problem easily is to have a clear understanding of common logic errors. So today

Text label: 2023 Jilin Selected Students Test Judgmental reasoning Similar structure evaluation type Selected students' answering skills in line test Logical judgment

Selected student / Aerial survey 2023 Jilin selected students' line test judgment reasoning: line test weakening questions, question stems and options, do you really understand?
The weakening question is a very important question type in possible reasoning. This question type usually gives some opinions or conclusions. Let us choose an option from the options that can weaken, refute or question the discussion of the question stem. This type of question is more difficult than the reinforcement type, and students are easy to get confused when doing this type of question. In fact, as long as the opinions of the stem and options are accurate

Text label: 2023 Jilin Selected Students Test Judgmental reasoning Weakening question Selected students' answering skills in line test Logical judgment

Selected student / Aerial survey 2023 Jilin selected students' line test judgment reasoning: line test logic judgment "opposition relationship" of true and false reasoning
The straightforward proposition is a relatively simple kind of proposition in the travel test, but it is the basis of our study of proposition and even the basis of our study of logic. Learning straightforward propositions is very helpful for us to solve logical judgment problems. Today, Zhonggong Education would like to share with you how to use the characteristics of opposition relationship to solve true and false reasoning problems. [Key 1] Understand the opposition relationship, the so-called anti

Text label: 2023 Jilin Selected Students Test Judgmental reasoning True and False Reasoning Selected students' answering skills in line test Logical judgment

Selected student / Aerial survey 2023 Jilin Selected Students' Speech Comprehension: The secret of comprehensively and accurately summarizing parallel passages in the line test speech comprehension question
In the test of selected students, the topic of speech understanding can be regarded as a required question type, and in the material of the topic, the parallel passage is also a kind of passage that often appears in the exams over the years. So, the following is a talk about how to analyze the parallel passage and summarize its theme accurately and comprehensively. First of all, when we make the main theme, we should be able to judge whether it is a parallel text

Text label: 2023 Jilin Selected Students Test Theme Juxtaposition paragraph Fragment reading Speech comprehension Selected students' answering skills in line test

Selected student / Aerial survey 2023 Jilin selected students' quantitative relationship: guidance for preparing for the test
The annual written exam for selected candidates is about to begin. According to the experience of previous years, the written exam will be organized on the last weekend in November or the first weekend in December. It is particularly important to make good use of the time before the exam and prepare for the exam reasonably. The question of quantitative relationship in the line test made many examinees feel very headache and choose to give up. Is that right? Today, Zhonggong Education will tell you in detail

Text label: 2023 Jilin Selected Students Test Mathematical operation Quantitative relation Selected students' answering skills in line test

Selected student / Aerial survey 2023 Jilin selected survey data analysis: quickly solve the balance point of data analysis
Data analysis is an important and difficult point for our students in the field test, which is very important for most students. So, how can we prepare for data analysis from scratch and obtain a good accuracy rate in the limited test time? In fact, the more you learn, the more you will find that data analysis is to find a balance between time and accuracy. How to find this balance is not

Text label: 2023 Jilin Selected Students Test Data analysis Selected students' answering skills in line test

Selected student / Aerial survey 2023 Jilin Selected Students' Speech Understanding: How to Understand Your "Heart"
The intention judgment question is one of the common test questions in the speech comprehension part of the line test. It is usually guided by such questions as this passage intended to emphasize, which aims to test the ability of candidates to accurately judge the author's attitude and intention. When doing such questions, many students found that even if they found the key sentence in the question stem, they might still miss the correct answer. How on earth can we accurately grasp the author

Text label: Fragment reading Speech comprehension Selective student test Selected students' answering skills in line test

Selected student / Aerial survey 2023 Jilin Selected Students' Speech Comprehension: "Synonymic Exchange of Words"
In the quiz for selected students, there are many topic tests in speech understanding and expression. When examinees do topic tests, they often like to read the stem repeatedly. When they analyze options, they get entangled, which leads to a long time spent and low accuracy. For the theme, in fact, many paragraphs are marked with words, such as synonyms, pronouns, causal words, turning words, hypothetical words, etc

Text label: Theme Fragment reading Speech comprehension Selective student test Selected students' answering skills in line test

Selected student / Aerial survey 2023 Jilin selected students' quantitative relationship in line measurement: a necessary method to solve the quantitative relationship in line measurement - division method
For the travel test, many examinees report that the number of questions is relatively difficult. It takes a long time to solve the questions with some conventional methods, and the time is not enough. Therefore, it is particularly important to master some necessary problem-solving methods, which can not only find a new way to solve the problem, but also effectively improve the efficiency of doing the problem and save time. Today, Zhonggong Education will take you to learn the necessary problem solving of quantitative relationship

Text label: Mathematical operation Quantitative relation Divisibility Selective student test Selected students' answering skills in line test

Selected student / Aerial survey 2023 Jilin selected students' travel survey data analysis: how to learn from travel survey data analysis
The analysis section of travel survey data is relatively stressful for most examinees, especially when they see long written descriptions, huge data, and complex operations, which make them afraid. But if you want to get a high score in the field test, you must not lose the score of data analysis. If you have enough time to do questions, you will find that data analysis is not terrible, because as long as you master efficient extraction

Text label: Data analysis Selective student test Selected students' answering skills in line test

Selected student / Aerial survey 2023 Jilin selected students and measured quantitative relationship: interesting partition model
As we all know, the permutation and combination problem has always been the key question type in the travel test. Many examinees will master the basic counting principle, the definition and difference between permutation and combination, the calculation of permutation and combination number, and common methods through systematic learning and a large number of questions. But mastering these questions is not enough to calmly cope with the ever-changing examination questions, because there are many model questions in the counting problem

Text label: Permutation and combination Mathematical operation Quantitative relation Selective student test Selected students' answering skills in line test Clapboard model

Selected student / Aerial survey 2023 Jilin selected students and measured the quantitative relationship: resource integration should be carefully calculated
The quantitative relationship part of the travel test often tests the knowledge points that some countries and selected students get less, and resource integration is one of them. The so-called resource integration problem is a kind of problem in which human, material, financial and information resources are reasonably arranged and allocated to give full play to their due value. Next, Zhonggong Education will introduce the solution to the problem of scheme allocation in resource integration. I...

Text label: Mathematical operation Quantitative relation Resource integration Selective student test Selected students' answering skills in line test

Selected student / Aerial survey 2023 Jilin Selected Students' Speech Understanding: Don't be afraid of the main idea, pointing to help you
As 2023 transfer candidates approach, many examinees find that the main topic of the speech comprehension part of the line test is generally considered difficult to master by the examinees, mainly because this topic usually has a large amount of reading and the options are also somewhat confusing. How to deal with it so as to give consideration to both time and accuracy? Today, Zhonggong Education will share a way to use pronouns to deal with the theme. When we

Text label: Theme Fragment reading Speech comprehension Selective student test Selected students' answering skills in line test

Selected student / Aerial survey 2023 Jilin Selected Students' Judgment and Reasoning: Who can strengthen or weaken the most?
Everyone may have such experience when doing line test strengthening or weakening questions - multiple options can be strengthened or weakened, and it is often difficult and easy to choose the wrong one. In fact, this is mainly because we have not mastered the strength comparison in strengthening and weakening. Therefore, today's public education will take you to understand this aspect in detail and lead you to go out more

Text label: Judgmental reasoning Weakening and strengthening Selective student test Selected students' answering skills in line test Logical judgment

Selected student / Aerial survey 2023 Jilin selected students' line test judgment reasoning: line test truth question - who is true and who is false?
The question of truth and falsehood is a common question type in line test judgment reasoning. This question type tests the logical reasoning ability of examinees. Before learning the method of solving questions, blind reasoning and guessing will waste a lot of examinees' time, and the accuracy rate is not high. In fact, the skills to solve the problem of truth and falsehood can be summed up in six words: one finding, two detours, three times! First, look for contradictions

Text label: Judgmental reasoning Truth and falsehood Selective student test Selected students' answering skills in line test Logical judgment

Selected student / Aerial survey How to "double" the analysis of survey data of 2023 selected students
In the test of selected candidates, multiples are common test questions for data analysis. These questions are relatively difficult, but they are easy to lose points, because when examiners examine multiples as a knowledge point, they test more about the examinee's carefulness. Once examinees are careless or despise these questions, they are prone to make mistakes. So, how to infer the intention of the proposition and grasp the life of multiple in the exam

Text label: Data analysis Selective student test Selected students' answering skills in line test

Selected student / Aerial survey 2023 Jilin Selected Students' Speech Comprehension: Skillful Use of Countermeasure Words in Line Test Reading Questions
Whether it is a transfer candidate or a transfer candidate, judging the intention question has always been the focus of the examination in the line test segment reading. There are many questions, and the examinees spend more time doing it, which often leads to entanglement between options. How to quickly grasp the main idea of the passage and screen out answers that meet the author's intention is a question that every examinee should understand. In this regard, Zhonggong Education gives you

Text label: 2023 Jilin Selected Students Test Countermeasure words Fragment reading Speech comprehension Selected students' answering skills in line test

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