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Answers to Jilin Community Argument in 2024: Insight and Practice

2024-06-24 16:10:01 | Source: Jilin Zhonggong Education Li Sihui

As an important form of examination, argumentation has high requirements for the comprehensive ability of examinees. In order to achieve excellent results in the argumentation examination, the following are the matters that need special attention in the summary of public education.

1、 Accurately understand the meaning of the question

The essay questions often contain rich information. Candidates must carefully study the questions and accurately grasp the requirements and intentions of the questions. It is necessary to carefully analyze the key words and limiting conditions in the question stem, clarify the theme and direction of writing, and avoid deviating from the meaning of the question.

2、 In depth analysis of materials

The materials of the argumentation are the basis and basis of writing, and the examinee should make a thorough and detailed analysis of the materials. It is necessary to clarify the logical relationship of materials, grasp the key points and key information of materials, and extract useful opinions and arguments from them. At the same time, we should be good at penetrating the surface phenomenon of materials and digging out the essence and deep-seated problems behind them.

3、 Clear and reasonable structure

Good structure is an important guarantee for argumentation articles. The article should have a clear beginning, main body and end, with clear hierarchy and organization. At the beginning, we should put forward a brief point of view, fully demonstrate around the point of view in the main part, and summarize and sublimate at the end.

4、 Distinctive and outstanding views

The essay should have clear views and dare to express their own opinions. The views should be correct, profound, forward-looking and innovative. At the same time, it is necessary to support the viewpoint through reasonable argument, so that readers can be convinced.

5、 Full and powerful argument

Argument is the core part of argumentation articles. It is necessary to use a variety of argumentation methods, such as example argumentation, comparative argumentation, reasoning argumentation, etc., to make argumentation more powerful. Attention should be paid to the authenticity and reliability of the arguments and the use of false or untrustworthy arguments should be avoided.

6、 Language specification and accuracy

The language of the essay should be standardized and accurate, and the use of colloquial and casual language should be avoided. Use appropriate vocabulary and sentence patterns to make the article express smoothly and naturally. At the same time, we should pay attention to the logic of language to make the argumentation process of the article more rigorous.

7、 Pay attention to details

In the process of writing, attention should be paid to details, such as the use of punctuation marks and the correction of typos. Details often reflect the examinee's earnest attitude and writing level.

8、 Reasonably arrange time

The time for the essay exam is limited, so candidates should arrange their time reasonably to ensure that they can complete the writing task within the specified time. To master the rhythm of writing, avoid spending too much time in a certain part of the process.

In short, essay writing requires candidates to have comprehensive ability and solid writing skills. Only by accumulating experience and improving their own quality in the usual study and practice can they achieve excellent results in the argumentation examination.


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